

she had asked for a stay at their location at no cost in exchange for a review and social media posts

Nah, it’s about business 100%

I understand what they are trying to do but she didn’t even pick a color, or we didn’t even see her hair.

In her brief clip, Khan states, “Whether or not your hair is on display doesn’t affect how much you care about it.”

So someone with the opposite viewpoints politically of a traitor can’t also be a traitor?

Lets hope as she is basically the lefts version of Sheriff Joe this cycle.

A lot of my trans friends are all over supporting her and it makes me sad.
As a trans woman, I wish she would just sit down, shut up and enjoy her newly found life.
Her policies are terrible, she has zero qualifications and no matter what good came of it, zero evidence points to her releasing the data for moral reasons

This new Beck album sounds terrible.

close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely

Her stated positions are cartoonish. She’s a polezniye duraki.

I’m going to question the mental acuity of anyone that votes for Manning with a similar prejudice as a Trump voter.

Like leaking classified military secrets to a front organization for Russian intelligence! Oh wait... that was her...

Candidates matter just as the Alabama GOP. I really don’t think Maryland which has a large military and former military population would look too kindly upon a Senatorial candidate that leaked classified secrets to a front organization for Russian intelligence.

Republicans are apparently clapping their hands over the idea of Manning potentially fracturing Democratic unity by forcing a confrontation between established members of the party and the identity politics of the radical left

she’ll be running against incumbent Ben Cardin, a centrist Democrat

Size can be quite deceiving as can fashion. I (borderline underweight tall woman) have won push-up contests against normal-weight male athletes. Flowy clothes tend to accentuate thinness and de-emphasize muscles. Fitted clothes tend to bring out muscle. There are plenty of reasons for people to have any type of body

Hey................ Fuck you. (...I guess that’s too harsh, still though, your words are upsetting)

“She doesn’t look healthy or womanly at all.”