
Descriptivist hack!

That’s not how you use the phrase “begs the question”

hear, hear!

I could be wrong, but a lot of the well-intentioned interpretations in support or defense of her words are conditioned with her ignorance. I think it’s awfully gross to claim an ignorant person as a plenipotentiary speaker for something they clearly are ignorant about. It’s like when that dumb book about the child

When you view ungendered masculinity as achievable and aspirational traits you are negating the very important and very valuable traits correlated with femininity. What is wrong with being compassionate, nurturing, artistic (all traits of gendered femininity)? Why ought we castigate these traits in favor of courage,

Yes! For all the annoying, contemporary pitfalls of Germaine Greer something that really stuck out to me is her claim that a woman is just a castrated man who should peg her identity and value to how her male counterpart is treated. A woman, independent of man, is valuable and her value is not related to what makes a

I wish we could somehow disentangle the difference between a feminist, a feminist actor, a feminist identifier, and a feminist believer. To be clear: a feminist believer is a person who believes in some/all tenets of feminism, but does not necessarily act on them nor identify as feminist; EX: Cardi B. A feminist

Yeah, you helped the cigarette company sell cigarettes. Cigarette smokers are brand loyal customers. You unintentionally promoted a cigarette company and so the cigarette company reached more customers who are more likely to become loyal. Customer loyalty = higher ability for brands to increase prices. Given the

This is gross, but if you look at the entirety of the American public reflected in the study, so is everyone else. Catholics are the least likely to consider immoral actors as fit for office at a depressing 58%. Everybody else is higher than that, including the religiously unaffiliated. Note: PRRI is also kinda shady

Alabama 1979 and the South 1979 was not a nice 1979 to be in

Open concept is a stupid concept made to make you think your house is bigger than it is. Have all your rooms be big!

That wasn’t meant to be snippy, although retroactively I can totally see how it was. My bad! I just meant you have an opinion on it that is certainly an arguable one, and I was citing one of its proponents, and I don’t. But only that. My bad!

Okay, Karen Burstein

I think it is like calling a female thespian and actor or humanity mankind. Either, or (actress, humankind, chair) works, but I don’t think it really matters.

You’re a fucking idiot. WWII began when the Allied Forces declared war on Germany, not the other way round. The invasion of Poland was the premise for the declaration, but is not the start. Nobody calls Anschluss the start of the war either. And regardless of WWII, Hitler meant to destroy the Jewish population. Maybe

What kind of sick individual do you have to be to compare atrocities. If Hitler had his way 9.5 million European Jews would have died, but WWI resulted in upwards of 20 million military casualties. I will not say the good of removing Hitler was eliminated by the bad it caused.

Feminism: human beings are created equal and ought to have equal rights under the law.
Antizionism: Everybody is created equal and ought to have equal rights under the law, except Jews. Jews do not have the right to self determine.

NOI was made by an Afghan immigrant posing as an African-American who bastardized Islam with references to his own locality and exploited poor African-Americans during a period when nobody, especially the government, gave a shit about poor African-Americans. He profited off this cult before mysteriously disappearing

Exude antisemitism

I don’t know. I think the removal of another torturer (this one to a much larger extent) named Saddam Hussein was a good thing for the people of Iraq. That, to me, is a discernible gain.