
Here is what I know: old people have weird views on ass grabbing and sexual jokes. A lot of them, including members of my family, think they’re totally innocent. No one younger ever says to them it is uncomfortable, so they keep doing it. That being said, I am sure they would be mortified and terribly sorry, as I

George Clooney is a slimebag and at this point so is the rest of the entertainment industry, for me. It’s not just Harvey Weinstein, it’s Roman Polanski, it’s Bill Cosby, it’s Michael Jackson, it’s Dan Schneider, it’s Woody Allen, it’s Hugh Hefner, it’s Casey Affleck... Everybody knows, nobody cares. If I had to bet,


Yeah, because upon joining the FBI you got the magic serum from the Fountain of Youth which made sure you would live forever and work forever at the FBI. You know, cause institutions never change. The director of the FBI is really just a front for who’s really in charge: J Edgar’s Ghost who roams the halls of 935

I’m glad Weinstein might finally get his much deserved comeuppance, but I thought everybody knew he was a total lech creep. And this is from someone as far away from Hollywood as you can be.

Now playing


I will say it: too many windows

Still a shitty reason to have a child.

If you have a child because you don’t want to be “hot”, then you’re going to make a bad mom.

elluhmennopee and jagyouarrrrrr

Miss Lindsey? You know just because someone is not part of the party de riguer, doesn’t mean you won’t be seen as the homophobic troglodyte you are.

I am sure the word was in the dictionary before American colonization. However, it’s overall usage and contemporary significance is wholly derived from American culture.

Unfortunately, I have seen that because the n-word origin’s are American, non-Americans do not understand the context and impact of the word. I liken it to a weird cultural appropriation. They use it and enjoy it, but they don’t get it and become frustrated when you say, “hey, let’s not”.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. A movie I watched on an airplane that stars Dame Maggie Smith and Dame Judy Dench. Please!

As someone who has dealt with the direct effect of the 2011 Dear Colleague letter, I really hope they do. School investigations suck. They are lengthy, indefinite, leave the victims often in the dark, ask third-party people about these personal topics, and require the victims to relive their harassment multiple times.

Why can we never have a young Hamlet who just came back from college? Why does he always have to be so, so old?

So, yeah in the definition of delusional it mentions that the term is typically applied to someone suffering a mental disorder. That is the part I am speaking on. If you just meant delusional as a person who holds an unfounded belief that does not have rational merit, my bad!

I am guessing from the last part of your

Not to be a prick, but to be a prick: you started your claim with the moral claim that using the term “psychological issues” against someone who disagrees with you as bad. You then called people “a bit delusional”. You’re either a hypocrite or don’t understand the definition of delusional.

I am glad you have found a label that you appropriately identifies who you are. That’s absolutely wonderful. It is hard sometimes to compare oneself to others and leads to a lot of insecurity. That being said, everything you describe is exactly how I feel as do most of my female peers I have spoken with. I am not sure