
Semi-related: Studies consistently show that girls’ grades increase attending all-girls schools whereas boys’ grades increase attending co-ed schools. In other words, providing a separate organization for girls probably would be better for the girls, but a detriment to the boys. WHAT SIDE WILL YOU PICK (lol)?

Nope! Jacksonians :(

Hey, punching Nazis makes you a Nazi. All those Uncle Sam pictures of punching Nazis? Made during the war. So yeah, if you’re an American soldier and your enemy are the Nazis. Punch a Nazi. Otherwise, please leave us Non-Nazis alone and keep your Beer Hall Putsch intra-nazi punching to yourselves.

Name somebody other than Strom Thurmond who was a Dixiecrat that became Republican.

Question for lawyers: If this were in the United States would this be illegal? I guess considering the pay difference is optional, it might not, but the priority seating seems sketchy.

This is perhaps one of the mildest songs I have ever heard. It sounds like what you would expect from a lukewarm Lipton lemon tea and maybe carrot slices.

And now with emojis!

Okay, I am speaking out of my own ass here, but I assume it is based on: old movies with aristocratic ladies being catty with one another and discussing gossip and drama of the ill-bred or whatever over tea. Whenever I hear the term, I just imagine Barbara Cartland decked out in pink and lace batting her eyes wildly

I like Rumi because (I assume) they’re naming the kid after the poet, but Sir? WHAT POET’S NAME IS SIR