
The media is so cowed, so submissive, so dedicated to the “both sides are the same” idea that they’ve collectively become total apologists for him. No matter what he says about the media as a threat, they’ve become some of his greatest allies in defending him, normalizing him, and painting over his crimes and the

It’s amazing how close we were to losing “America’s Hitler” this weekend.

It always makes me roll my eyes when actors say “I never evicted to have a public profile.” Like, acting by definition gives you a public profile. And by definition, to be successful at acting is to be even more public. To say you didn't expect to have a public profile is to imply that you went into acting expecting

I said this just the other day, but the reason the press keeps talking about Joe Biden’s debate performance is because he hasn’t done anything else scandalous since then.  Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s strategy is to have a new scandal every 27 hours so that the press can’t focus on any one thing for too long.

Yes and at the Brits it just resulted in men winning. Given the Oscars’ historical problems, I think this is trading one problem for another one. 

Now playing

Well if she’s happy then I’m happy and we’re all happy! Someone call fuckin Flo and Eddie!

Just from an awards perspective, wouldn’t having non-gendered categories just eliminate two awards? Kinda boring! I mean, it makes sense to just have one award for “best actor,” but... also it’s less fun/entertaining. Or, i dunno, make it a gold/silver/bronze award and have 10 nominees for best actor and best

To be more optimistic, articles like this seem to be on the decline under the new management. Barsanti in particular tended to treat all news as the opportunity for bitter, smug whining.

I don’t understand this website period.

I don’t understand this website’s level of hatred for harmless movies made for six year olds.

I suspect her horror at the jokes is more focused on the racist stuff they make Jost read, rather than the ones that poke fun at her.

Thankyou for bringing up Quantum Leap. That always brightens up my day a little. Even if it’s something sad like this. Though I confess I am one of many who had assumed she’d passed some years ago.

Between this and her vaccine skepticism, I’m beginning to suspect she’s a bit of a mug.

Insert Norm Macdonald clip about how he disagreed with Patton Oswalt that Cosby’s hypocrisy was the worst part, but that instead it was all the rape.

The worst part is probably his terrible actions.

What a confusion.

Pro-tip: the people who tend to dissect and deny the claims of potential victims in order to protect celebrities ARE USUALLY THE SAME PEOPLE. The fact you didn’t notice that this happens in every single thread regardless of gender is probably a red flag for your confirmation bias.

ALF was by all accounts absolute hell to film, with the sets being a maze of dangerous trapdoors for the puppeteers, and just about all the actors hating each other. You’d never know it from his performance, which hit the perfect ET-lite note throughout the whole show. And good for him getting out of the business

It sort of is! Will Harris, Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, Jesse Hassenger, and Nathan fucking Rabin have all returned already. Now we just need A. A. Dowd and Sean O’Neal and we can unseal the apocalypse.

I have noticed an uptick in quality for the reviews recently, as some old writers have come back as well