
Aw I like Hawkeye. His series was one of the best.

Ownership and Editorial may change, but the slideshow format survives.

It’s important to remember that anything any liberal or leftists says or said, it was a Republican who shot him, and Trump himself wished death on Biden just two months ago.

My main concern with Harris is that because our nation is still so damn racist and misogynist, a woman of color is going to turn off (through no fault of her own) some of the fence-sitters who might prefer an old, feeble white guy. Of course I have no idea how likely that is.

I want saying both sides are equal. I’m just saying the truth doesn’t matter to one side.   There are still a large group of idiots who believe January 6th was an Antifa riot and Trumps fans were framed.  

One side’s narrative is what actually happened, and another side’s narrative is designed for a very specific purpose. Both sides are not the same.

The Republicans will claim that no matter what they find about this guy.  It does not matter.  Each side is going to spin this to fit their own narrative

It does not matter what “side” he was on.

“But what I am saying is that, were the sitting president murdered, even Trump would probably hold off on such rhetoric.”

Jack Black has been campaigning for Biden this year. He’s probably most concerned about this hurting Biden’s campaign, with Fox Newsmax morons trying to connect dots that don’t exist. It’ll go something like “Biden ally endorses Trump assassination”.

I dunno... it seems like Trump is a pretty unique situation and his conman/cult of personality simply can’t be replicated. If he were out of the picture, the rest of the GOP would be a cannibalistic feeding frenzy and they’d all kill each other trying to out-MAGA everyone else. I don’t think there’d be one candidate

I get the feeling that the author of this piece may not have watched the show especially closely. I’ve noticed that a lot of folks these days watch TV while simultaneously flipping around on their phones, listening to the dialogue and only looking up when they hear explosions and such. Not an ideal way to get the most

A lot of people seem to be missing the point that this shooting was an example of right-on-right violence. The shooter wasn’t old enough to have voted in a presidential election before, but he was a registered Republican. Any rightwinger claiming that they are under attack from outside forces is lying. The shots are

To wit, he acted offended that he wasn’t invited to John McCain’s funeral and remarked, “We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral.”

Just do like a lot of us and wish for his long overdue heart attack to hit instead

Especially given how deranged the MAGA folks are. That said Biden is also right that we need to cool down politics, there is NO room these days for a calm honest discussion it’s very much if you say you like hamburgers, well why do you HATE hot dogs.  It’s all absurd and stupid.

Hasn’t the show been fairly clear on the witches it depicts specifically not being Nightsisters? Weird to just sort of bulldoze over that.

Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.

I think both Seth Meyers and Colbert grappled with it pretty well.

He was going to be sentenced last Thursday. He could have been safety in prison this weekend.