
Exactly - the choice between “old man who’s not all there” and proudly evil old man who’s not all there” should really be an easy one.

Both candidates are terrible. Vote for the one who won’t require a coup to replace if the need arises.

There might be a point somewhere in there if all the criticism of Biden actually came with a solution ... like perhaps a candidate that could take over and take on Trump, or maybe a strategy going forward, or anything really.

It may shock you to know I, an adult woman, care about comic books a heck of a lot more than my teenage sons.

I was a 13-year-old boy in the long, long ago, and I am 100% here for Kathryn Hahn and Patti LuPone.

This but unironically. It would put the middling-to-decent yet more maligned entries into perspective :P

I haven’t seen this, but Sophia Lillis is great in general and I did enjoy The Blackcoat’s Daughter so I should check it out.

He’s had a two point bump since the debate. Him doing worse than usual and Trump doing better than usual meant they were on about the same level, and add on Trump’s nonstop easily proven lies and it’s easy to see what the actual result was. And might I add, Jake Tapper was just caught telling such obvious anti-Biden

Flee the confederacy.

He’s just doing what Ted Cruz does - go on vacation. Although, I don’t think acme64 does it while his state is in the midst of an emergency and then has the audacity to blame his kids when he gets called out for his terrible leadership.

I think it’s ore than that. Gastrointestinal issues would help explain it. 

Please go permanently.

He could just move to a better state.

No, just a filthy conservative. 

lol, you mad?

Good to know that according to the Tennessee DMV, neither Rafael Cruz nor John McCain were eligible to run for President

The US military allows enlistment of foreign nationals with a green card and fluency in English.

do the most american thing possible. Sue the living piss out of the TN DMV.

I would like a few more sources on this, but this gaslighting response is a pretty bad look:

What’s more interesting is that you think focusing on that part exonerates him from being a shitbag! Like you wouldn’t warn a daughter about this guy.