
I liked Temple of Doom more than Last Crusade when I was a kid, but within a few years I started to like Last Crusade more, to the point that it’s actually the Indy movie I enjoy watching the most. (I’m not going to say it’s “better” than Raiders, mainly because saying one piece of art is “better” than another is

We’ll have to agree to strongly disagree that Temple of Doom is a better movie than Last Crusade. ToD had some good action sequences but the rest was cringingly bad. When I saw it in the theater in its first run, I was so hype after the clever opening sequence and was gutted by how bad it was after that.

Fixed that ranking for you.

Act like everything is not only great, but exactly how you wanted it to be all along... you’re right, the GOP are acting like a bunch of cats! “I totally meant to get my head stuck in the glass, fall off the table, back into the fireplace, catch my tail on fire, and then run through the house urinating. You must just

It works though. People have already forgotten the downright all-time historic embarrassment that was the GOP House Follies last year, and are now focused on Joe having a bad night in front of the cameras.

Years ago I watched a show on...fuck, I don’t know; one of those cable channels...about what the planet would be like if humanity just disappeared. “Fortunately,” the show said, “we have a practical example of this right now.” And then showed a ton of footage of Gary. I drove through it once just to see it, and wow.

Don’t forget the billboards that ask if you’re “Illinoised by high IL taxes” and to not turn Indiana into Illinois if you do move there. As an IL resident, I will gladly pay the higher taxes so we don’t turn into Indiana.

Either that, or they used it to blackmail/extort someone, who then killed themself

That was the station my logic train arrived at as well.

It’s a pretty big jump from ‘death investigation involving a suicide’ to ‘the cops put it there’.  Alternative scenario:  Employee put hidden camera in women’s bathroom, got found out and then killed themselves.  That would also explain why the police aren’t looking for any suspects.

Or straight away from it, I’m flexible.

Fuck him, looking forward to watching him ride one of his rockets into the sun.

Flash! This just in!

It was pretty clear from the contributions that the worst place to stop is anywhere in the south, period. Just stay away.

Their “pornography” was raping the slaves if they got tired of the missus for a night or two

So glad the Bernie bros didn’t have to make the adult decision b/t the lesser of 2 evils in 2016. This reality is so much better!? /s

Vote Blue no matter who, unless you like living under a theocracy. 

“State’s rights” except when your state allows something my state doesn’t like

Oh wow I can’t wait, this Court is really raising the bar for Hilarious Dystopia!

“The series, adapted by Alice Birch and Mark O’Rowe from Irish writer Sally Rooney’s 2108 novel of the same name”.