
WTF, why the hell aren’t these guys getting arrested left and right (or just plain shot by the cops like a black guy with a gun would?) they are carrying locked and loaded high capacity semi auto (and I bet in some cases full auto converted) weapons and acting threateningly to the general populace.

My photographer for this, Joy Asico, (who took the banner photo for this story) would like me to let everyone know that while I ate 62 bowls she ate 63 bowls. And as the person who wrote this story, I will also share that she did it just to spite me. I apologize this crucial detail didn’t make its way into the

Thank you for mentioning Shattered Glass. A fantastic movie that proves Hayden Christensen actually CAN act when he’s not being directed by George Lucas.

Do you want zombies? Because this is how you get zombies.

they really did a fantastic job making Anakin a character who’s actually, you know, likable and somewhat interesting while keeping it believable that he’d fall to the dark side. of course having 7 seasons of TV time to do that helps, but the character writing was really just so much stronger than in the movies as well.

This sounds stupid, and it is, but hear me out... The Anakin Skywalker that was in this episode of The Clone Wars, I’ll be upset when he turns to the dark side and betrays everyone. Very, very upset.

Never interrupt your opponent when they’re busy making a mistake

Not to detract from the discourse, but did everyone else notice it’s all wypipo?

The reason why some gun owners believe that any kind of gun control is going to result in them having their guns taken away is because they are the gun owners who behave like this and they absolutely should have their guns taken from them as this is disgustingly irresponsible.

I’d slide that estimation of TNG down one year. Season 3 brought some really good stuff early on — and its end is when the Borg (previously introduced halfway through Season 2) grab Picard and head for Earth via Wolf 359.

The bad news, Michigan will see an upsurge in infected and dead soon. The good news, the racial disparity in infected and dead will be smaller now that the Trump fans and followers of conservative media have gathered unwisely.

Have you seen the Tartakovsky version?

Deep Space 9 is actually the greatest Star Trek show. Great characters (who are much more than one dimensional tropes) & great actors. It exists well on it’s own and you pretty much don’t need to know much of anything about the greater ST universe in order to enjoy it.

Yes. More than one actually. Heartland Institute, for example. In fact, pretty much ALL conservative “think tanks” exist SOLELY for the purpose of spreading confusion, misinformation, and propaganda in service to the almighty Republican-power-grab agenda. Confused, scared people are easy to coerce into making really

But this is the thing: All their ideas are bad. If you’re going have a think tank, have one that actually has good ideas. The current ones are like Dr. Evil level shit, just keeping things terrible for the sake of keeping things terrible.

Yes. Several of them.

The Clone Wars. I’ve tried, man. I watched and loved Rebels, even. (And am beyond excited for Ahsoka to possibly be in The Mandalorian) But I can’t get into it.

Major mental illness / trauma and chronic physical illness often co-occur.

I don’t think it was ever downgraded or ignored. But Kimmy’s life in the bunker wasn’t the focus of the show, especially after the first season. The sexual assault remained something that she didn’t talk about even as she became more open about the experience generally with her friends. Some viewers thought this meant

50% or more of women seeking access to an abortion were using some form of birth control at the time of conception