
Regarding 1): The original trilogy, let’s face it, was also created on the fly.

Good god, reading comprehension is in the toilet.

In a way we were always going to end up with the most deaths. The US is the largest country on Earth that also fulfills these two criteria that are specifically bad for pandemics:

When watching the movie the first time, I interpreted the scene as very progressive/pro-Natasha, because she was the one who got to make the sacrifice. They were both heroes, and in effect, they were basically having a “who is the bigger hero” fight. In the end, Natasha won, because she actually is the bigger hero.

(sees mean words written about the Martez sisters)

People shouldn’t have to buy in to it. We already have with our taxes and by taking the cap off FICA and taxing all income, including corporations at Eisenhower rates, it will be paid for. Most people will get a raise because they will no longer have to pay exorbitant rates to private insurance companies.

The guy’s become a really reliable voice actor. My wife and I thought he was great as Kanan.

Am I the only one that reads Phillippe as the clear weakest link of the bunch over Prinze?

Of the two connections, Phillippe and one movie done 22 years ago, or Prinze, with two movies, several tv projects and a stable almost two decade long marriage, with two children, it would seem that the latter is far more notable. I do note that Gellar kept Gellar as her professional name. It just appears that Dowd

I guess it’s not a mistake, per se....but it’s weird that you mention Ryan Phillipe’s connection to Gellar, only to reference Prinze without mentioning that this is where wife and husband met. Also, she legally, and officially, changed her name to Sarah Michelle Prinze.

Well, maybe not everything. The casino part was a mess and even the whole Holdo/Poe storyline starts to crumble if you think about it too long. That said, I’m so tired of anti-TLJ diatribes at this point. It’s just a movie and everybody needs to get over it.

And based upon the massive market haul it delivered, Last Jedi was unpopular among a very vocal but relatively small portion of fans. Lord knows plenty of people still went to see it.

The EU sucked, mostly. I could never get past the first couple of Zahn books, and I hated Dark Empire, which was essentially remade as Rise of Skywalker.

This is where accountability comes into play. You can’t stoke the anger and then be shocked at the rage. This site isn’t as bad at others but they’ve never really reached out to educate or change the conversation. Comics are the best place to start since they’re the leaders in this industry. There’s a fine balance

They don’t uphold the teachings of Jesus, and anybody with a more than passing familiarity with the actual text knows that.

Yeah I figured Lal would had to have come up at least once in conversation.

How about the one thing they didn’t mention that they really should’ve, which is that Data already (briefly) had a daughter.

Yep, thus very Star Wars.  Does it make sense in a modern warfare sense?  Nope.  Would a 6 year old kill to play with one?  Hell yeah

The caption on the picture:

I actually really enjoy watching Ahsoka deal with a “normal” person her age.