
Yeah, tell me this; without the existance of a rental option, would any of these people be able to buy land on their own? The writter seems to think that landlords are still the rich entitled lords that basically turned serfs into renters. This is, however the 21st, not 18th century, and if someone wants to invest

I say this as someone who recently moved from an expensive coastal city (Boston) to the Midwest (Madison, not exactly the middle of nowhere): is one capable of appreciating the picturesque hills and the architecture when one is living paycheque-to-paycheque? Is the maritime climate a dealbreaker when you are a layoff

It came later than Ducktales and Gummy Beats, but I’m Team Gargoyles in the death match of late 20th century Disney cartoon series. I’m very disappointed that Disney hasn’t taken Jordan Peele up on his pitch for a live action movie.

Systemic gutting of funding for the groups that do forward thinking research one this type of thing, for one.  Years of severely reduced funding finally bit this country in the ass.  More recently, just last month, hes STILL trying to gut the CDC, so the experts that should be in positions to assist right now are not

Or, you know, I’m a pharmaceutical chemist and this is exactly my field. I know that these things take time, but the speed bumps that are being added with years of planned loss of funding isnt helping. I cant wait to see how the removal and relaxation of the rules the FDA has spent decades to put in place will be

They can’t even get the BO smell out of the stores what the heck do they think they can do with coronavirus?  

Anybody who is arguing, today, in 2020, for a geographical name for a disease is either naive of this history (send them this article!) or is trying to deliberately stir up xenophobic sentiments.

As much as it makes me feel dirty, too, I must agree.


But it is a bad movie. That is a fact.

It is, literally, objectively bad.

It was, without a doubt, separate from anyone’s personal feelings about it, the worst Star Wars Film made.

Agreed. But don’t call these complainers Star Wars fans.

But Rise of Skywalker is worse in every conceivable way.

TROS has several really good scenes, even if the entire movie itself doesn’t gel.

Holiday Special isn’t a movie

That he just saved a bunch of money on his car insurance by switching to Geico.

It wouldn’t be a Star Wars article without all the whiners showing up to bitch and moan about an IP they spend all their time watching and thinking about. Star Wars fans are the worst.

What if I love feminist critiques but also love Ewoks?  

“Sapiosexual” always makes me laugh because it’s such a perfect distillation of a superiority-inferiority complex.