Tips on Taters

The break-up sex must have been legendary.

Yet another superb life decision from a young man whose lifespan is probably now measured in days.

I know I’m just an old fuddy-duddy, but was this article randomly generated?

Fuck this shit.

Gotta agree, as a person standing 5'11", that it IS the worst.

Ramsey didn’t play in Jacksonville’s Thursday night win over the Titans

Actually Ramsey didn’t. The Lyin’ media would have you think he did, but actually he did not! In fact, lots of people, and I know smart people. Tough people too. Some of the tou-some of the smartest people I know. Smart people, tough as nails. You don’t jus-You don’t just want a tough guy you know? They gotta be smart

Yep, Amy Klobuchar.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

An inexperienced coach needs a reliable brain trust around him.

Actually, this is just part of the NFL’s new rules for proactively protecting the shield, as he will clearly have trouble standing for the anthem next week.

“If eating at the ballpark, make sure to remind this female person that the hot dogs go in their mouth, as they are an easily confused sex and may embarrass themselves, or worse, you.”

Nick Young was so inspired by Jared Leto’s depiction of the Joker in Suicide Squad he went out and dropped 2 points on the Orlando Magic.

He's what stupid people think a smart person is. 

That’s OK. It happens to a lot of bull semen factories. 

So “Moo-kake” is all good then?

I’m sorry, do you know Kap personally? Are you his agent or a close family member or loved one?

Starter money is reserved for studs like Case Keenum and Ryan Tannehill.