The headline makes this sound a lot more ominous than it was.
The headline makes this sound a lot more ominous than it was.
Because there’s no money for the ex-wife in a criminal case.
Like I said in another comment, If someone said they’re fans of Migos I’d walk away too.
But there are no witty christian jokes other than, well, the whole christian thing.
quick, someone get this guy a safe space
Im curious. How do you think they should deal with an out of control dog? Just let it keep biting and attacking them?
“Just know your just as stupid as they are.”
1. People witbout a medical emergency should not use the shoulder to get around traffic.
The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.
The name definitely plays a part in the general public’s perception of the technology but in this specific case, this guy pushed autopilot to the limit on multiple occasions. He ignored the “I Agree” button and it cost him.
By all accounts, DeMario was equally intoxicated. I don’t see why he would or should be held criminally or civilly liable. The production is to blame for not stepping in.
I have a question that maybe is insensitive, and I’m sorry for that, but I don’t know what I’d google to research it otherwise.
I haven’t played Skyrim yet.
You really this stupid?
1. As a law enforcement officer he wouldnt just be protecting his “cell phone and 10 dollar bill”. He would have an obligation to stop rhese thugs from hurting and robbing other people cause if they are beating and robbing him then they have probably done it to others and most certainly will do it to more victims.
There are an awful lot of robberies that end in the robber killing the victim. The shooting isn’t necessarily about protecting the things, it’s about protecting your own life.
To be clear, without knowing further details I can’t comment on whether or not this appears to be justified. I am frequently a critic of…
Is there a way to normalize body positivity without normalizing unhealthy weight standards?
Is there a way to normalize body positivity without normalizing unhealthy weight standards? The average woman shouldn’t weigh over 176 pounds not because of patriarchal culture, but because it’s unhealthy and demonstrably leads to negative health outcomes. The same goes for overweight men. One of the negative outcomes…
Why was the article written in such a way as to make the manufacturer/drug company out to be the “bad guy” or there was some sort of racial animus/fat shaming happening?
There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.