“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.
“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.
Something is wrong with your mind.
Some high schoolers threw a big party down the street from my house. Someone parked their ~77 Camaro across my driveway where I couldn’t leave for work (third shift delight!) so I walked down to the house and started asking about the car. Got some rude comments and no useful info. I smashed the drivers window out with…
PSA: Just because someone else is endangering the lives of the people around them, please do not try to teach them a lesson by increasing the danger.
I’ve shared this story before, and I’ll share it again.
Or... you could just move over.
Intentionally causing collisions is illegal. How about you just get out of the way instead of brake-checking?
Sooo, because they are driving dangerously you decide to cause an accident? Nice move.
Yea...you’re kinda a jerk...(actually, remove the kinda...).
Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?
1. It’s THE game to have for The Switch. Is there another, more high profile game they’ve announced? Did I miss something?
What the hell are you talking about? There is no “discharge petition” in the US Senate by which 51 Senators can override the Majority Leader. That only exists in the House. The Senate Majority Leader has full and complete control over what gets scheduled for a vote. There’s no way around that.
And, as you said, those…
Since I’ve been banned from Jezebel about 3 dozen times for not thinking Hillary Clinton was the greatest presidential candidate since FDR and Lincoln had a love-child...I avoid it nowadays.
Democrats can’t allow Trump to fill a Supreme Court vacancy during the last year of his presidency.
I didn’t even want to spend my time reading it all. Can someone give the TL:DR?
Stop using this unoffical concept image. It gets people’s hopes up and just makes them angry. It’s not going to look like this. In all likelihood, it’s going to be a rebadged Everest.
No way his tire pressure was right. I bet he was using a digital gauge.
“America is essentially a 3 year old child.”
First of all, the golf meme is getting old. I’m sure it probably came from whatever right wing propaganda you get your “news” from, but let me nip that thing in the butt: Obama took far, FAR fewer trips than GWB, Clinton, GHB, or Reagan. Its not that its a problem for a President to take a vacation: its a fucking…