
In the winter of 2013, I was at a faculty dinner party. One of the guests was an attorney (married to a faculty member) and a huge DNC operator/donor at the local level. He was proudly talking about how Hillary was going to be the candidate, and it was going to be great, and she was going to win in a landslide, yada

Fuck the “Bernie Bros”? Fuck the Democrats for for coronating a candidate that had so much baggage I was left sitting in the voting booth for 5 minutes looking at the presidential vote thinking “what do I do with this mess.

Clinton lost because her campaign sucked


Can we kill the Bernie Bro narrative you morons cling to? There is literally no evidence former Sanders supporters protest voted in a manner that changed the election, or in any sizeable number whatsoever. Clinton lost because her campaign sucked, and people in the rust belt are gullible, desperate people willing to

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

Have to say, the RAM driver did a great job getting his truck slid into just the right position.

Can we stop? So fucking what?

Fuck Hillary supporters who said “Nah, they aren’t tilting this thing towards Hillary” even though the DNC head WAS a former Clinton Co-Chair? Fuck them for nominating a Female George Bush that got caught in lie, after lie, after lie and instead of owning up, decided to blame Russia and bemoan that Trump said mean

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.

this is bargaining.

“A lot of this is the fact that Obama was an ineffective president.”

Yeah, she’s a cunt. She’s a god damn two-faced liar who couldn’t give less of a shit than anyone except the people who pay her. She put Debbie Wasserman Shultz at a special seat of her campaign mere hours after she resigned from the DNC, she chose Tim Kaine over, well, anyone else, for VP. She basically told the

They bear some blame, but maybe people should have listened when the polls showed Bernie running better against Trump than Clinton did.

More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever