
So yea, “Taking a class to learn how to comfortably perform a common type of acting scene” is EXACTLY like getting a job as a stripper, in that what you consent to is what you consent to, and it doesn’t matter what profession, hobby, or role you are playing.

Yea well being a stripper or being any kind of sex worker doesn’t mean that you’ve consented to any sort of harassment or abuse, and I really wish people would stop using sex workers, SWERFy feminism, in examples like these. It opens sex workers up to further sexual violence that no, they did not ask for. This is

I believe you. You don’t need to feel obliged to prove it to skeptics, either. Sidenote: I always find it funny how the majority of skeptics I’ve met make it their mission to bully or condescend someone into siding with their point of view. Like why are you so personally invested in my life?

frozen is the ONLY way. or when gold bears get slightly stale by leaving the bag open in the cupboard on purpose. this is my secret shame, and it weighs heavy on my shoulders.

I mean she had 2 humans pressing into her diaphragm and squiggling around inside of her.


Not that your comment isn’t completely valid and justified, but I wanted to point out that there is at least one white woman who is taking a stand. No, it doesn’t absolve the countless other white people who won’t say a thing, but there’s at least this human? Still, it’s not enough.

I am here to say that your cat is adorable, your pantry is immaculate, and I finally know what I’ll be doing with my extra days off - replicating this heavenisaplaceonearth pantry.

Yea could you imagine being friends with these humans? It’s like being friends with improv people, I would imagine, but worse and more embarrassing. ROAST ME FOR THIS MEAN COMMENT I DON’T CARE.

A few years ago I went to a yoga class at the studio I was doing my teacher training at, and the instructor asked the class what kind of music we wanted. It was around xmastime, so someone suggested “something festive”. The instructor looked pleased and said “how about the Pentatonix?” and I was unable to stifle my

Last night I actually watched the VPR episodes where Shay proposed and the following engagement party where Sandoval punches Jax. It made me laugh so hard when this is going down that the camera turns to Lisa cradling a crying Scheana’s head, like she just lost her firstborn, and through a shaking lip and tears

Scheana Shay is that you?

This thread isn’t hurting anyone, I hardly see a reason to stroll in with cynicism and patronize people over it. Unless... you’re a ghost here to haunt the very thread you claim is bogus.

this will probably be buried bc the greys, but...

Is it just me or does any one else find Jessi Klein sort of insufferable? Her edgy girl humor is not at all appealing. If she was a head writer at Inside Amy Schumer then I’m guessing a lot of questionable/problematic jokes were penned by her, at least in some part.

Yep, it made me not feel great either. I loved RPDR (and love it in theory) but I think this will be the last iteration/season I watch, for reasons of misogyny, low-key racism and transphobia (transphobia mostly a thing in past seasons I think, but harder to look past it learning what I’ve learned).

You know what? Watching the reunions, I get that now. I guess what I mean to say is that she brings the drama, which is the point of this show I think. I also think she’s teetering over the edge at this point though, and is alienating viewers for the same reason you fast forward through her parts. After last night all

I agree that plastic surgery has a patriarchal genesis, especially in this case where the entertainment industry is run by primarily white cis hetero men, and in order to get ahead a star may be pressured to look a certain way. But I don’t agree that it is her responsibility to tell us about decisions she has made

I feel like neither (or any) of these women are non-problematic in their own ways. I think most people are able to acknowledge the faults of their favourite respective housewife, and that there is a difference between someone being a favourite on a particular show vs. being championed for in any context other than the