
It’s not good enough because she DIDN’T stand up for gendered violence and rape apologists. Her comment only distanced herself from it, a comment she only made due to Metzger urging her to, btw.

I can’t say for a fact that she employs him, but it is the Amy Schumer show, she has talked many times about how Comedy Central has given her free reign, and if she hired most of her writing staff I am sure she has a large (probably final) voice in firing.

He isn’t fired, I am not sure why you think this? The tweet below is the one where she says he wasn’t fired. Has there been an update to this, because I tried looking and haven’t found any information contrary, genuinely.

Yea, okay. Well no one is expecting her to be perfect we are expecting her to stand up against someone who has expressed gendered violence, apologized for rape, etc. That is very basic ground floor feminism, and it deserves a public call out because accountability is key.

I tried to find the article, but it’s been buried with the current issue but a couple of years ago when Metzger originally did a podcast where he spoke about choking his ex girlfriend and how he doesn’t regret it because she deserved it. Later via Facebook he wrote something to the effect of “you thought I’d get

Thank you for this. This is my #1 gripe w. Dan Savage. For someone so sex positive it amazes me at how closed minded he can be in regards to this particular issue. And every time he gripes about it, I just envision this.

I’ll just leave this here then.

Honestly, I’d be up for this. Diva Cups are hella hard to get right the first time around. s/o to my partner who fished it out of me when I couldn’t get it out myself!

I saw Bob this weekend, and when he asked what the crowd thought of each contestant the entire room booed for Derrick.

I totally agree that it is a missed opportunity and that it is irresponsible in a way. I think your assumption might be right,mainly because they kind of already addressed an STI scare in the first season in “Vagina Panic” so I think they’d be wary to recycle a concept they used before.

All true! But what I’m wondering is did anyone else feel anxiety in the same way.

I think in an interview she just said she was watching Panic in Needle Park and afterwards this was written in a “fever dream” flow of writing.

Did anyone else experience major anxiety that Marnie had (what appeared to be) unprotected sex with Charlie, who is using drugs intravenously? I think Worst Case Scenario might be too dark and complex for Girls to tackle, especially with such little time left in the season (and the series), but holy shit... I could

It’s funny this comes up as today while I was listening to the new Rihanna album, I reflected on how I used to dislike her. Why? Because I felt like she was a “traitor” to strong women everywhere when she took back Chris Brown. I felt that way until I was assaulted, and for a VERY long time after. I always considered