Fake Socks™

You also have to factor in that the founding fathers could not foresee the kind of rapid-fire joke delivery comedians have access to in this day and age. There’s a world of difference between dropping a single witty bon mot at a cotillion and one comedian spraying up to fifteen topical pop-culture references towards

I am so tired of people saying this.  If you read the whole amendment it clearly states that you are given a Netflix comedy special only if you are part of a well regulated militia.   It was never meant to justify everyone getting to be a comedy cowboy no matter what the NCA propaganda says.  “You can pull my rubber

This. Plus another reemphasis on the disgusting environmental impact of shipping something, fully intending to send it right back. 

So...you are offering this as a tip for people knowing that every time they do it, it will increase the environmental cost. And your article even states other reasons not to do this practice, yet you still recommend doing it.

This feels more like it belongs on the unethical lifehack list, especially leading up to holiday season when retail, shipping, and delivery systems are already overburdened.

Umm... that’s not why it’s a problem environmentally. Your linked article says roughly 20% of online orders are returned and that doing so increases the carbon footprint. Ordering multiples that you know you’re going to return guarantees that percentage goes up and absolutely increases the footprint.

Do you guys really feel that publishing something like this is ethically consistent with your stated position on climate change?

Terrible waste of resources. Don’t do this, just get what you know you want. If you aren’t sure, just don’t buy it, save some money.

The garbage’ll do!

I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Yes, there were some conversations about Midi-chlorians

“When a serial sexual abuser becomes president, it’s hard not to think that you’re hurtling toward a full-on dystopia.”

The issue with what Atwood did was that she didn’t do anything with the whole ethnic-cleansing thing. It was just a way to explain why there weren’t any black people, and I can totally understand why that’d leave a bad taste in people’s mouths.

The rise of the splintered media focus means no television show will EVER have the impact of, say, a “Roots” or “The Holocaust” or “The Day After”.

Other Great 2017 Pop Culture:

No True Scotsman fallacy. The Handmaid’s Tale (book) isn’t about marginalized groups; it’s about women.

It’s trying to say that The Handmaid’s Tale isn’t as revolutionary as it thinks (true) because it has no idea how to handle race (also true), because white women don’t care about black women (eeeeeeehh...)

I’ve got to give a shoutout to Giancarlo Esposito, who most people are familiar with from Breaking Bad but who I’ve been a fan of since his Homicide: Life on the Street days as G’s semi-estranged kid - and who I’d forgotten was the triggerman in Malcolm X until I rewatched it recently and realized the guy getting the

“The scene is getting worse every time!”

Luckily most Star Wars fans are easy going chaps, and don’t mind a touch up here or there to established canon.