Fake Socks™

Jeff Goldblum was so preoccupied with whether or not he could open his mouth, he didn’t stop to think if he should.

I am OK with this as long as she is played by Catherine Zeta Jones.

a modern-day retelling of the Zorro mythology that follows Z, a female descendant of warrior bloodline, who will go to great lengths to protect the defenseless in her community

As a middle age Gen-Xer, I love this. It’s a good, sarcastic way of making a point that I totally support. The boomers know what they did.

“And what is ‘it’ seems weird and scary to me. It’ll happen to you!”

Why not Leia? 

Boomers didn’t vote when they were young either. The voting age was lowered to 18, Nixon was dry humping the constitution nightly & the Boomers had been drafted by the scores to head to Vietnam and McGovern had his ass handed to him in 72. Youth turnout wasn’t great. It’s the being young part not the generation part. 

Ok Boomer

OK Boomer.

this is the Avengers: Endgame of Star Wars tie-in media.

It's not about how old the members of the band are, its about their audience

OK, Boomer

Considering that Millennials have been able to vote since roughly 2008 and still can’t be arsed to turn out at the same rates Boomers do, despite how truly fucked those elections have left us, means my sympathy is limited. Whereas I know a great many older people who have consistently turned out to support progressive

If Boomers want to rehabilitate their reputation they have a chance in say ... November of next year?

The real flaw in “ok boomer” is that it’s not like a laser honed snark strike, it’s simply the only other generation zoomers can name, and they spend far, far more time saying it to millennials and gen x’ers than they do actual baby boomers.

You don’t need the /s. She’s a straight up racist.

Now playing

Meh it seems fair. How many “Millennials are killing ____ industry” articles have been written or Millennials are too sensitive and want participation trophies. Etc etc. The response from the Boomers is fairly funny and only fuels the fire. The phrase “ok boomer” is a minor quip equal to Gen X’s “whatever”.

>‘Boomer’ is the n-word of ageism 

Now playing

My favorite use of it yet (the fact that the folks in charge of the closed captioning thought that she was saying “OK, Burma” just adds even more fun):