Fake Socks™

... is?

It’s weird that she doesnt end every interview with a sign off like, “And you can take that to the bank(s)!”

Self-righteous much, Reid? Way to cherry-pick quotes to generate false anger. Ignore this one, among others?

Every terminator movie should have a scene set in that timeline’s version of Tech Noir. Sometimes it’s a gritty dance club, sometimes it’s a farm-to-table restaurant, sometimes it’s a shitty, pretentious cocktail bar. But always: Tech Noir. 

There’s not really much to argue here since by all accounts the movie was decent, we just don’t give a shit about Terminator anymore. What I do know is Cameron is a notorious prick and tyrant, so no one should be surprised, and yet you should probably listen to him.

I still can’t get over a Norman Lear show being remade by people named Mike and Gloria.

I have no idea what you're insinuating but in my mind I'm just imagining them being the same people.

Okay, I’ll bite: why do you think electrically operated standing desks are awful, relative to manually operated standing desks?  Sincerely curious.

I can’t top this. Not even trying today.

I’m still not getting a goddamn standing desk.

Sorry, but this looks dope. 

Damnit Emma the whole office smells offal now. 

I love it.

Just gonna say that $40,000 isn’t that incredibly high for a truck these days. The base price on the F-150 is $28,000. Pickup trucks are a luxury-heavy market these days. None of that suggests that this car isn’t ridiculous, but it’s not THAT expensive for a truck.

I like a vehicle body design I can easily replicate with plywood. It looks like a piece of A/C duct work.

I’ve had some legitimate laugh out loud moments, but it’s definitely become more and more about plot as it enters the endgame

Loved it, and my husband turned to me at the end and quoted Michael’s soulmate line to me :)

I loved that Chid’s whole life was basically a mirror of Jason’s. People used to tell them exactly what they needed to do but it took 300 years for it to finally work.

Soulmates are not found. They are made. That Michael and Chidi talk was something beautiful.

-“We’re not not a book group”...Chidi. Chidi, no.