Fake Socks™

fucking white people

Who gives a shit? I’m a firm believer in the “Any Warm Body but Trump” candidacy (even Tulsi, god forbid), but are we really going to act like only the candidates we don’t like have uncool supporters? If Kamala Harris had a bird land on her podium and all her supporters took it as a sign from God, are we going to

He’s not my number 1 candidate by any means but tearing into his supporters for dancing just seems...stupid? Stupid.

Look at those people having fun and enthusiastic about their candidate! What fucking idiots! TEAR THEM TO SHREDS.

. . . that guy you meet at a bar who seems alright at first because he insists on buying the first round, but then won’t stop showing you and your friends photos from his dog’s official Instagram page . . .

Was truly expecting it in the Top 5. I’m thrilled Fury Road is there (and happily surprised it’s at No 1, which gives me hope this site hasn’t lost all its marbles yet), but to omit Blade Runner: 2049 is just bizarre, especially when you consider that films such as Gone Girl, Whiplash, La La Land and Creed are there

At least Arrival is on here. I think that movie is a bit more broad in scope so it fits on a list made by multiple people better. But yeah, he’s been on fire for his entire career.

Every Denis Villeneuve film since (and of course including) Prisoners deserves to be on this list; the absence of BR2049 is probably the least controversial imho.

YES. What a snub. It belongs on this list moreso than a few others.

Because robots can’t make babies.

Agreed It should be on there simply for being an intriguing well written sequel both of which are almost extinct these days

IMO it’s better than the original

Ooh, good call. The original Blade Runner (whatever version/cut people want to consider as their version) has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts, including mine, and 2049's success in clearing that incredibly high bar makes the movie even more remarkable. SPOILER: The Rachel scene in particular really hit me

How the fuck is Blade Runner: 2049 not on this list? It’s probably the best world building sequel that doesn’t ruin the original film. The rest of this list is good though

I feel like I’ve hit it now which is frustrating as I was loving them for a good old time, but Endgame didn’t really work for me and I found myself a bit bored by the second Spider-man. It’s not superhero movies per se I’m bored of either, I watched and enjoyed Zebraman and it’s sequel recently, just the Marvel

How long until we're at marvel burnout? I was very happy with the two or three marvel movies a year before endgame but now I'm kinda getting bored with it all.

You also have to factor in that the founding fathers could not foresee the kind of rapid-fire joke delivery comedians have access to in this day and age. There’s a world of difference between dropping a single witty bon mot at a cotillion and one comedian spraying up to fifteen topical pop-culture references towards

I am so tired of people saying this.  If you read the whole amendment it clearly states that you are given a Netflix comedy special only if you are part of a well regulated militia.   It was never meant to justify everyone getting to be a comedy cowboy no matter what the NCA propaganda says.  “You can pull my rubber

This feels more like it belongs on the unethical lifehack list, especially leading up to holiday season when retail, shipping, and delivery systems are already overburdened.

Terrible waste of resources. Don’t do this, just get what you know you want. If you aren’t sure, just don’t buy it, save some money.