Fake Socks™

Airplane Mode, has been described as “intentionally boring,” a creative approach the network honed with The Walking Dead.

yeah, you’re right, this is definitely not a world in which Gamer Gate is relevant at all anymore, gooooooood catch.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Secret that’s not a secret if you’ve ever actually read my commentary over the years: I low-key like this show. It’s one of the few ways for me to bond with my Dad and little bro.... both of them *love* this show and talk about it to no end. It makes the both of them so happy and it’s one of the few avenues I get to

I think this is probably the first time the show has even slightly addressed some the more toxic side of the fanbase. To which I can say kudos. I love the show and the more it steps away from the “Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings” stuff and becomes more self-reflective the better.

Two semi-unrelated thoughts:

You may not like not Murray or his choices but he didn’t owe you, Ramis or anyone else a third movie. The utter mediocrity of Ghostbusters 2 more than justifies his position. If you need to dislike him find something a little less childish like his ex-wife’s allegations of domestic abuse.

Still an afterthought, even in this article.

Two things:

I tried watching Rick and Morty then realized about ten minutes in that I was too smart to get it.

So I don’t KNOW Murray, but through work I know people who do. A few years back the team I work for did a Ghostbusters night. The team wanted to do a Murray bobble head. Bill told them no and insisted the bobble head be Ramis. This was around the time of Harold’s passing.

I’ll go ahead and say it.

Hopefully bustin makes me feel good again.

I guess it’s just me but I can’t watch a cartoon that looks like it has been drawn by a 3rd grader on acid. I’m not saying that every cartoon character has to be drawn realistically. The Simpsons is not drawn realiistically and the animation does not offend me (even though the show should have been canceled about 15

We all wondered how can they ever rehabilitate someone like Brent. How can he be redeemed when he doesn’t even conceive that he needs redemption? I think that was the point. The initial human characters were all bad. Well, Chidi was mostly mildly wrong but everyone else had clear faults. Eleanor was scamming people

I don’t think soulmates exist. But Chidi only wants them to be real because then he gets love without having to make a choice. Without having to decide to love someone. Wanting a soulmate is such a Chidi thing. He’s a romantic who doesn’t want to ever make a choice. 

After several seasons of shirt and fork, it was really weird to hear Eleanor’s use of “dammit” in the last few minutes.

It’s a variation on the Mindy St. Claire situation. Mindy only reached the Medium Place because her absolute last act was to perform the very first step of an expansive project to earn lots of Good Place points, and they couldn’t figure out how to allocate the points properly.

yo what the fuck

I’ve never heard the term “housing it” used like this. Is it a regional thing? It’s pretty cool, very evocative.