Fake Socks™

The best film I’ve seen this year by far. The writing is really economical and the screenplay is the lesson in story structure Hollywood seems to have forgotten. The actors effortlessly deal with the delicate tone changes. It’s a one of a kind vision from Bong Joon-Ho. I’d rate it up there with 2009's Mother.

“they can afford to be nice, because they don’t have to fight for anything”

Its best to view ‘Parasite’ from within the mileau South Korea’s entertainment industry. Korean TV dramas don’t shy away from depictions of class politics and the corrupting influence of entrenched power. Even their ‘Cinderella’-themed rom-coms and crime dramas come with a distinct (if unspoken) undercurrent of

I’m physically aching to watch this film. I’ve been on board the hype train through the barren wasteland that was once Earth since it first started making the festival rounds.

In his defense, young Will Smith was only in one little fight before his mom got scared

It doesn't make sense though, because Walt didn't know that Jesse was being held as a meth slave.

Gilligan said, about six year ago, that Norm MacDonald’s theory is specifically wrong.

“Yes, Walter White is dead.” See? What’s so hard about that? I said what’s so hard about that, DAVID CHASE

I do what I can, citizen.

You’re the hero this country has been waiting for.

Sorry, guys. I’ll talk to all your wives and see what I can do. Just like I have been for the last several months.

This site and others connected to it like Gizmodo and Kotaku were at the front of pushing these ridiculous conversations and hand wringing, so don’t try to back away from it now. You were all in on the dangers of a Joker movie a week ago.

I’m beginning to think random assholes on the internet are not half as funny as they think they are.

Speak for yours...[tries to remember the last time]...dammit.

“Here’s the thing: I’m friends with George Bush... In fact, I’m friends with a lot of people who don’t share the same beliefs that I have. We’re all different, and I think that we’ve forgotten that that’s okay that we’re all different,” says the rich blue-eyed Baby-Boomer white American about the rich blue-eyed

because being wealthy and protecting your wealth comes before all other concerns. if you’re rich enough, you don’t have to give a shit about politics.

It’s pretty fucking easy once you’re a celebrity with fuckwads of money to forgive everyone because all of a sudden those things that are problematic for the average punter of a particular sexual orientation/ race etc go away . Your fame and power will pave the way 

Ellen is such a complicated figure to me. She is both a courageous bold comedian who risked so much by coming out and dealing with the blacklisting and hatred that came with it - at the same time she is also an absurdly wealthy person who seems to be completely infatuated with the trappings of that lifestyle and has

“Just because I don’t agree with someone on everything doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be friends with them,” DeGeneres said Monday.... “When I say be kind to one another, I don’t mean only the people that think the same way that you do. I mean be kind to everyone.

I think what Ellen is trying to say is that she is very rich, and likes to pal around with the very rich and powerful while giving lip service about being kind to everybody.