Fake Socks™

Bones makes precisely zero sense.

What is Phillips even complaining about? The Hangover movies and Old School were either a. well-received, b. wildly successful, or c. both, in some cases. I don’t remember any extreme public backlash. So how exactly has “woke culture” prevented him from making comedies?

It’s always the dicks and misogynists who resent that they can’t be fucking assholes anymore, and then overstate the degree to which society is somehow “punishing” them.

Discovering you are no longer relevant is a hard thing for us middle-aged dudes. Some handle it better than others. 

Agreed, Cecily Strong is the strongest performer on the cast. She’s captivating, and maybe the most versatile player they’ve currently got. McKinnon’s sort of stopped playing real people at this point, which is a shame. Kenan’s an absolute pro, but you always sort of get that it’s Kenan. Strong’s one of the few

Either he ends up in a cushy producer job somewhere, or he ends up netting a contract with like, Hulu to produce a Big Mouth-esque cartoon show that runs for exactly two seasons.

Hey remember when Matthew Broderick killed those people?

Welp, later!

Closed captions said “bones”

There are co-production rules, which is how all those Masterpiece shows are eligible.  But, for instance, Doctor Who is not.

Ireland’s got a fairly violent history. I’ll allow it, if that’s what was said.

You’re in for a treat.

Thank you for mentioning Tim Kazurinsky! That is just who I thought of. An A+ for the reviewer!

You know it’s not a documentary, right?

Shane Gillis should have played the Chinese official.

Now playing

But Melissa Villaseñor and Heidi Gardner were conspicuously absent but for the goodnights.

I don’t know how many of you watch with closed captioning turned on, but whoever was at the keyboard was having real trouble keeping up with Weekend Update. The capper was when Yang’s Biao said “Tig ol’ bitties!” and the captions said... the other thing.

Surprised not to see at least a Stray Observation about Kenan making a Shane Gillis reference at the end of the game show sketch, with “We’ve got to start vetting these people. That’s what I feel.” right at the end.

Yeah, it was definitely a Harry Potter reference.

I assumed it was Parseltongue! Either way, agree: It’s funnier than The Jokes would have been.

Surely they should've had ITV run that Thunderstick Sketch and not BBC considering how BBC don't have ad breaks an' all.