Fake Socks™

With anyone else directing, I’d be nervous. But what Gilligan did with Better Call Saul, I’m feeling really confident about this. I didn’t know that I wanted to know Jimmy’s backstory but Jesse’s future story is the one I did want to see.

It gives me heartburn that this movie even exists. My fantasy version of what happens to Jesse after Breaking Bad is that he settles down with a nice woman and makes a decent, uneventful living as a roofer, or maybe producing artisanal jams and jellies. The screenshot above suggests otherwise.

I got a cock notification for this?

I am involved with a 12 step program, which requires you to write out a list of your “character defects”. Having reached a point in my demise where I was ready to be “rigorously honest” I wrote out what I think anyone would regard to be an extensive and thorough listing of my flaws. When I finished, I sat there and


I purposely bump into people when I can tell that they are not paying attention or not understanding how much space they take up. Examples: if someone is walking on the sidewalk with their nose in their phone, I will brush against them to remind them to look the fuck up. If someone is standing too close behind me in


Quality kinja, right here.

I’m still looking for an action-RPG to fill the Fable-shaped hole in my heart, but yeah, looks like this ain’t it... 😕

I hate committing to plans, and do this terrible horrible thing where I won’t answer a question, or will dance around questions to avoid giving an answer to stuff via text like when people ask about plans.

Also, I have this weird compulsion to be like Elmyra from tiny toons. If something is cute, or if I like someone I

I read this and I was when you peacock eat it

Ah sweet triggers! which when set off, cause ranting and raving, and result in grownups in tears. I can’t let it go - no matter how hard i try. I will reason, and provide counter argument, until the person is in tears. Damn logic! why doesn’t everyone use it!

Punky Brewster seems like an odd choice for a nostalgia reboot. Do people even remember the show? It didn’t last very long and most importantly, didn’t have that long 2nd life in syndication that most of these nostalgia reboots had. I was nine years old when Punky debuted - in other words, right square in the target

All of this has happened before.

Finishing other people’s sentences. I talk too fast and listen to podcasts and audiobooks at 1.5x speed, so it KILLS me to wait for someone to finish their thought. I start throwing out suggestions (2 or 3 by the time they finally say what they’re saying). I have known how rude it is to the other party ever since I

It seems way too early for another run at “Battlestar Galactica” and this one is supposedly “inspired” by the Moore version, ala more “modern,” whatever the hell that means. To make things even odder, the same folks are “reimagining” Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” for Peacock. I’m presuming that too will be more “modern.”

But do they Peacock comedy?

So you’re saying Comcast wants to mine that nostalgia.....

Universal Pictures: It’s Either More Jurassic World Or This

On top of that, this is a site built to get clicks and comments. If all the snark about Shayamalan using a twist is used up in the story, that preempts at least 5-10 comments.