Fake Socks™

The lack of microtransactions is great (though buying is password protected on my kid’s ipad anyway). I’m just happy about the lack of ads. I will often spend the two bucks or so on an app to rid it of ads. Mostly because there’s no control of what ads my kids will see, and some of the games advertised can get

Amen to that. I’m fine with the optional microtransaction model, like for Fortnite, but most F2P mobile games are more like Pay-2-win, where you just can’t advance any further unless you shell out increasingly more money. They work on the same business model as drug dealers. 

“ There’s none of the nickel and diming that’s otherwise rampant in modern mobile games.”

I recently logged into my account on PC for the first time in quite a long time and found that someone had given me $200 million in-game cash, when I asked Rockstar Support if they could investigate why this was they wouldn’t even look into it for some reason, so I guess I’ll try some of these out.

Sounds like work to me.

Get a good bunker location like the Farmhouse or Chumash, you’ll make a $1 million a day easy. Own all the biker businesses & nightclub but don’t use the biker businesses, you’ll make $5-6 hunder k easy on nightclub sales. Own a hanger, you’ll have fun stuff to do while your bunker & nightclub churn out product,

I bought GTA V years ago when it came out and I loved the single player experience. I wish I could play the multiplayer more but everything costs so much and I dont wanna grind a bunch of missions, I just want to drive fast cars and mess around. So alas, I dont play online as much as Id like

“We take only the finest, most luxuriant Corinthian glass and break it using an artisinal process known only to a lost enclave of indigenous Amazonian tribesmen and recently discovered by a Los Santos crafter, presenting this to you as the ultimate symbol of broken glass luxury.” 

9,583 Broken Bottles

Firefly and Gravity are your benchmarks for the attempted realism of physics in microgravity? That’s super fucking sad. Moonraker is the only legitimate science-based space film. Outlander is a close second. 

I mean... it’s almost like... people mature over 7 years. I like most of Borderlands’s humor but I can imagine it being grating for someone who’s grown almost a  decade lol

I’d argue that Fallout 4 deviated in pretty obvious ways from Fallout 3 and New Vegas. and that’s a lot of why it failed. The story is very similar to 3, true, but the mechanics changed greatly and mostly for the worse. The stats system was hugely simplified and dialogue was simplified to the point that worrying too

Gamers are too mature now for fat jokes, bad puns, and shooting midg-sorry, little people in the face?

This what made god of war all the more impressive. It knew how to both innovate or change the core and give you a great sense of nostalgia. You know, now I wanna go run through that again...

because I don’t want to play the exact same missions and areas for the 20th time

I’m with you. Borderlands 3 from what I’ve seen, is a literally stupid fun game, emphasis on the word “stupid.” This whole stance of “Gaming has moved on/changed/matured/evolved the article attempts to evoke is farcical. Gamers are too mature now for fat jokes, bad puns, and shooting midg-sorry, little people in the

Ive been seeing this argument in response to any negative coverage of the game. The “Borderlands fans just want more borderlands” argument. Which, I’m sure some do. I’m sure for some ALL they want is more borderlands. For me that’s probably the biggest deal breaker. I was SO worried when footage was coming out that it

I mean, you make some valid points, and I respect your coolheaded evenness about the game without fanboying or fanhating. 

I honestly didn’t expect people to take my post this seriously lol. I hear you man.

Personally, this is just my opinion, I am not right and have no skin in the game make no excuse for it. Why pay 60 for the same thing is a great question? I am just saying what I had quoted up top,, maybe this is just for the fans? *shrugs*