Fake Socks™

Also, definitely Kevin J. O’Connor as Roger. He has a more creepy/menacing look than Zeljko Ivanek.

Wow, weird. I’ve been searching for this episode’s review since Sunday. I searched under the title of the show, under TV Reviews, and it’s not showing up there there. I had to search specifically for Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya’s name to find this review. Is there a reason this is placed separate from the other reviews?

I definitely was expecting the camera to pan up to Zeljko Ivanek’s face. I’m not sure I would have strictly preferred him, though, I think Kevin J O’Connor is fantastic for the role. I might even lean toward O’Connor as the better casting decision.

Classic SmoothKawk.

Understandable, Kotaku.com is not a very fun game to play

It didn’t tank him because we are a pretty mean spirited country underneath our thees and thous.

I haven’t seen the second film yet but as I’ve said before here, I felt the first film completely and utterly failed to build any feeling of dread in a town under siege.

Most of these people have some kind of emotional/social need that wasn’t being met until they found these organizations.

Great, now you’re posting that same boring link to someone else’s TLJ critique in TWO different forums now.  Give it a rest!  Form your own opinions!

Remember when Howard Dean had to drop out of the race for whooping into a microphone?

“I shouldn’t have lauged at that. In retrospect, that was an offensive moment to an already disadvantaged people, and I an deeply sorry. I will take a look at the rhetoric used at my speeches.”

Maybe you spend a little time reading about your candidate and her time in office as a District Attorney and Sec. of State in California. She supported slave labor of convicts and loved turning people over to ICE and now laughs at slurs against the developmentally disabled. You are the one who seems to be the clueless

I wouldn’t have thought this director would follow The Last Jedi with a simple murder mystery. He really subverted my expectations.

this liberal take of “use the R slur to defeat trump!!!” is seriously melting my fucking brain

No one’s objecting to heated language, they’re objecting to a slur against oppressed populations being written off as NBD since it’s being applied to a bad person. And even then, the issue is that she’s obviously lying about not having heard it, which makes the whole apology read like bullshit, since it’s an apology

God, I just love these mental gymnastics going on. Fuck no she didn’t have to agree, or say anything. She’s pandering to the lowest common denominator as her campaign gasps its last breathes. She’s done. 

I mean something tells me the key to defeating Trump does not really lie in saying it’s ok to describe him using slurs with which disadvantaged populations have been dehumanized and oppressed, but you’d care to...disagree?

What do you expect from someone who supports keeping people in prison so they can be used as slave labor? Harris is at best a Republican and at worst just a terrible person.

Very weird that Ernie felt he had to throw away the TV (offscreen) just because he thought his son might be masturbating. He is at least as troubled and potentially violent as Cody, and, like Krystal’s husband, prone to making big decisions without consulting his wife. I’m so glad it doesn’t appear he’s just in love

Hell of an episode. Krystal bringing Ernie into the FAM is intriguing. Is she too getting drunk on the power of her influence? I think she’s still fundamentally good, but something bad is going to happen to Ernie that shocks her conscience out of it. I really thought she’d tell Ernie to wait to see about FAM,