Fake Socks™

So what were you hoping would make it a DC movie? Did you want to see Batman? Did you want a superhero fly by? A super villain with powers?

marc maron?

It is a Joker movie, it says so right on the packaging. It does not matter if in the process it started as something else and then it was realized that it would work better within the context of that character.

October fucking 4th and we’re seeing reviews now? WTF? I hate this, I want to see the movie now.

It’s gonna be like the Dwight/Creed/Kevin thing.

I’m looking forward to seeing this, and eager to see Phoenix turning in what sounds like a phenomenal performance.

I'm speechless...

That's what shilling for Disney for years does to your brain.

It’s interesting people consider a movie about what’s supposed to be a chaotic character should strictly adhere to some made-up rules.

I don’t know how much of a comic reader you are or how much you care about spoilers for a story that’s a few years old, but Batman: Endgame explicitly introduces a supernatural component into the Joker.

Not having seen the movie, this is just my opinion on your review. From what you are writing, Joker is on a heroes journey, and you don’t like that because the ambiguity implies that good and evil can be a perspective, rather than a judgement on a series of actions. Todd Philips is literally making the movie that

Not sure that’s fair, as there have been many Jokers already in the Batman universe in terms of how they act and are portrayed. The Batman movie universe already has Jack and Heath’s jokers, surely it can eventually afford yet another version.

PS: when I said familiar voice, of course I’m talking about ‘that’ voice.

I’m not actually sure there is a canonical answer. The Joker has actually been a lot of different people with different origins depending on which Batman stories you are talking about. But I think most of the time it's not important. He's just The Joker.

October fucking 4th and we’re seeing reviews now? WTF? I hate this, I want to see the movie now. 

“you have a movie about just some guy who winds up going crazy and wearing clown makeup.”

I’m reading this review thinking this all sounds pretty compelling. I enjoy a movie that makes me think about it without telling me *what* I should think about it. 

It’s always about Arthur, and yet, Joker doesn’t really have a point of view on how we should feel about him at the end

The joker is not a person but an idea, like batman, and that idea can take many different forms around its core. So when they announced this movie I didn’t expect to see THE Joker because (at least for me) there’s no such a thing. I just wanted to see a different reflection of the character and your review has