Fake Socks™

And then have the shot turn into an oil painting that currently hangs in Sylvester Stallone’s house.

Obviously they should both jump up , go to punch each other , and freeze frame just as fists are about to connect with  faces.

Fun fact: “El Camino” is Spanish for “The Camino.”

Not if we’re talking about mass.

Dude, my beef is with the word “necessary” in reviews.

On one hand, I agree. But on the other hand, I’m pretty sure we all said the same thing about Better Call Saul, and look how that turned out. There was no clamor at all for this, so if Paul and Gilligan felt that compared to make it, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt and assume they’re doing something interesting

When do we get to stop using “necessary” in art criticism? It’s the stupidest thing since Milli met Vanilli

I mean, what kind of stuff does this person usually type that “footsome” comes up as an autocorrect.

“footsome age”?

You're just mad you were in one of the crappy ones.

Fun fact... wait for it... I used to be a hand model and that’s my hand in Zoolander

So... looking at that linked IMDb list, trying to figure out which actress was the catalyst.... now, this is difficult, as i personally know fewer than half the women on this list.... but let’s try. Somebody intelligent, hightly strung.....

figure, a one-episode visitor (assuming she freaked out because i was

Circle takes the square...and the hairpiece!

Don’t knock it. When they pass out you can roll them.

The only things worse than drunk people or rich people are drunk rich people.

It has taught me that Joe Rogan’s fanbase is insufferable, but I guess, deep in my heart, I already knew that.

Now playing

To my ears this is how pretty much every podcast sounds:

Who fucking cares?

I'm disappointed that they never finished the series, but I'm pissed that they refused to explain why.

It’s odd to me that no one has even bothered to address exactly why they bailed out on this show. All of the reviews were quite positive.