Fake Socks™

Christopher Reeves/Richard Donner’s Superman is a tortured soul fated to be lonely. He gives up the love of his life to be earth’s protector. His relationship with Lana Lang, his high school sweetheart, is likely to end for the same reason though we never get to see it. Clark’s moral code and sense of duty won’t allow

Many fewer.

I would guess that grammarians would have much fewer than 150 friends.

That’s fewer than 150.

You hear that, Bourbon? I’ve only got 149 more friends to go!

Yeah but then you’d miss out on a whole lot of Wynn Duffy and that would be a sad mistake.

I don’t know, the Big Bad in that season was such a cartoonish clown that it was hard to take it all seriously.

My favorite final season is where Gawker Media dies a well-deserved death. What’s it called now, “Get Out Media” or something? Staffed by simple dumb child-bloggers who astonishingly don’t know shit about anything. I mean this in the nicest way, but I hope your whole rotten dumb media corporation goes down and you

Justified by a landslide. Season six was damn near flawless.

The third season of Hannibal was TERRIBLE. I can enjoy the fan-service from Crawford repeatedly tossing Hannibal through glass, but at the end of it Crawford just lets him limp away. “Jack up the law” Crawford, who was intent on killing the Chesapeake Ripper, he wouldn’t do that and then tell Will “Maybe I need you to

Not sure if it counts since there were only two seasons, but...

Breaking Bad is the rare show that consistently improved with every season.

Warehouse 13 had a short but great final season that packed a whole season’s worth of fun and character development into like five episodes, including a bang-up finale that was like a clip show of highlights of episodes they never actually made. Plus Claudia finally became the caretaker! In my head-canon Pete and Myka

The final season of America was kind of a downer, but with the seeds of its end planted at the very beginning, thematically appropriate.


Breaking Bad. I know there were no last-minute curveballs, but it ended the way it had to, the way we knew it would from the beginning. 

The actor playing Hitler, Bruno Ganz, died in the beginning of this year. He was one the best german actors ever and the variety of his roles is amazing. May this meme have the same long live.

The public is raising a Führer over this.

That meme is a gas.