Fake Socks™

A-fricken’-MEN! I pretty much came down to the comments to either join in on any Paul Hollywood dissing, or kick it off if it hadn’t started yet. What an irritating, self-important pompous tit. There’s barely a sentence that guy speaks that doesn’t leave me wishing someone would slap the smirk off of his face. Please

I FULLY agree with you on Paul Hollywood. I was nervous when Mary, Sue, and Mel left, but I love Noel and Sandi so bringing them on won me over. I didn’t know Pru before GBBO, but she’s been a delight and I love her.

Yep, my first game. Then I got Tomy’s Tron and Star Wars games and damn I miss those.

There is such a thing as wisdom young person. Learned experience certainly accounts for a big factor into why some of us 30-somethings say things like “The new Muppet’s Movie was shit in comparison to the originals”. We don’t say things like that because we dislike new things; on the contrary, we are the group that

I can’t say I really miss hand held games like that but I miss the days when games were less complicated. It seems every game now has some sort of crafting, skins, customization, DLC, etc. I just want to play a game, not build a world or character. I also don’t want to keep up with season passes or the ultimate

I can trace my love for portable consoles to Tomy’s Digital Derby driving game.

I remember when the New Order took over, it was a Blue Monday. There must have been a numbness inside because I recall more than once asking “How do I feel?”

No one has been able to top Darth Maul busting out the double bladed lightsaber.  Years of cartoons and EU source material has tried and they all just end up sounding dangerous and stupid.   Lightsaber Nunchucks were the worst, I mean someone doesn’t know how nunchucks work

Just because it was that way in previous trilogies, doesn't mean it has to be that way in this one. 

What do I think? I think that aside from all this Dark Rey stuff, the folding light saber is hilariously dumb. The cross hilt saber got a pass, because it looked cool despite its shortcomings. This just feels like JJ trying to one up the cross hilt with something “even cooler!” but it falls flat. And I can’t stop

You can thank all those tourists at Savi’s workshop. 

Or there’s my theory: she went to the lightsaber store to get a new one and they were out of every colour except red.

I’m less concerned with how Rey got a double-bladed spinny red lightsaber than how the First Order somehow acquired a massive fleet of all Star Destroyers. Like, the Empire never even had that many Star Destroyers. Also pretty sure the Resistance is down to like 5 x-wings, BB-8, and Rey, so this should go well.

It’s more Hope than confidence. But, expectations. For me, if it’s as good as TFA with a little more weird in an attempt to wrap things up, I’d call that a success.

I think the real obvious take way here is that this would have landed a lot better if they had replaced Daisy Ridley with Dwayne ‘The Rock” Johnson. how much cooler would it have been to shift to a hooded figure of Rey with that crazy lightsaber and then the hood is pulled back and its “The Rock”?

100% cooler, thats

I said this elsewhere, but the Star Wars movies have always been fairly straightforward in terms of plotting.

Also, droids get the right to vote.

It’s all going to end in a Force ghost fight where none of the combatants can actually touch each other, resulting in a bizarre spectacle that prompts the onlookers to realize fighting and war are bad. It ends with a gradual zoom out panning from the Force ghosts furiously trying to get the upper hand to the onlookers

I’d just like to point out that the Rey we’ve followed for two movies is the one with the uncertain past and sketchy parentage. If any Rey is a clone, it’s that Rey.

I doesn’t explain the frowny face. Frowns are a metaphor for deep-rooted evil.