Fake Socks™

I’d also note that it’s the kind of thing that a typical teenager of any generation would probably find incredibly dumb, because it’s incredibly twee and earnest. I feel like you have to be older and more sentimental (or a twee and earnest teenager) to resonate with that scene (and the movie as a whole). It’s very

For me, the nudity in that scene works to drive home the wrongness of what is happening. It’s like an indictment of every viewer who was getting off on the Lolita fantasy...like, “this is what you wanted to see, right?” but it’s completely de-eroticized and shot to make Suvari’s character look like what she is, a

As a McQueen fan I was surprised by how meh I found it. Totally predictable by the numbers plot, dull performances by fantastic actors. And yes, a weird combo of self-serious and melodramatic.


I found it scary as hell - I’m a sucker for horror that’s suggested rather than shown, so all those shots with flashlight beams in the dark and panicked shaky-cam (and of course the infamous final shot) really worked on me. 

I was surprised not to see Lake Mungo on this list. I guess it was a bit of a sleeper, but it’s probably my favorite entry in the found footage genre. I loved the way the story starts out as sort of a generic true crime documentary, and gets gradually stranger and spookier, without resorting to cheesy shocks and

So...not gonna happen, then?

*strokes beard thoughtfully*

Forrest Gump’s long run in that movie inspired a cross-country road trip. The sublime sweeping vistas and feeling of quiet lonesomeness made me want to be there.

Fuck Kinja Ernie

Is that the one where Snoopy kept being denied entrance to places, and this deep offscreen voice would intone “NO DOGS ALOOOOOWWED!” I remember almost nothing from any of the Peanuts movies but that voice haunts me for some reason.

Stephen King, who wrote the book that Under The Dome was based on, then ditched it as source material rather quickly.”

But does he marry?

Griping about shitty Muzak is one of the unsung joys of life. Yet another thing millennials have ruined with their “noise canceling” gizmos! *adjusts onions on belt*

Is this an episode of I Love Marvel Films?

The AV Club

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I’m not sure why, but this scene from American Hustle always makes me laugh-cry.


That joke should be...terminated