Fake Socks™

I will readily admit that the Whopper is a terrible burger...and yet once in a while I get a huge craving for it. It’s probably some kind of nostalgia. When I was a broke-ass college student, there was a Burger King a block from the university library that would occasionally have 2-for-$1 Whopper sales, and on days

Wendy’s was my absolute favorite (of the big fast food chains) when I was a kid. As an adult, though, I find their burgers kind of meh. I often wonder if it’s the burgers that changed, or my palate — probably the latter — but I’ll never not feel a craving for their food whenever I see a Wendy’s sign.

If you have the space for it, a chest freezer could solve a lot of problems! I have a small (not tiny, but small) fridge, and I don’t actually need to refrigerate that much food because most of my food is frozen (frozen veg and meat, mostly), and only comes out to be defrosted or cooked. It also doubles as a kitchen

You’re history’s greatest muenster for making these terrible cheese puns.

I took the Lemon Face Challenge, and now I need a challenge to spread the word about tooth enamel erosion. :(

I don’t know about mutant chickens, but I haven’t eaten at KFC in years, ever since I noticed that their chicken tastes...wrong, in some undefinable way. Like, all chicken tastes a little lizardy to me, but KFC chicken is worse. Or used to be, anyway. I live in a town with deplorably limited fried chicken options, so

I can see it if you’re trying to limit/eliminate meat from your diet but you’re not inherently turned off by it. Since your experience of food is about sight and smell as well as (or even more than?) taste, if you can trick your eye into reinforcing the sensation of real meat, that probably doesn’t hurt the illusion.

My memory of this is dim, but around 2002-2003-ish McDonald’s did sell a pretty decent grilled veggie sandwich or wrap. That was my go-to fast food for a while until they took it off the menu.

I wonder what the rationale is for having a Heinz brand mayo in addition to Kraft mayo, since Kraft and Heinz have been the same company for several years now?

It works great! You just need to keep an eye on the internal temperature and not let it cook past your desired doneness (I use one of those digital leave-in thermometers with a probe). I let it rest and then give it a quick sear in a pan with butter to give it a nice crust, and it’s honestly the best steak I’ve ever

I love the tip re: roasting the carcasses. Thanks!

The Instant Pot is an absolute good.

The only downside of the $1.50 hot dog deal for me is when I order two hot dogs but just one drink, the cashier looks at me like “wtf?” and I have to explain that, yes, I’ll be shoving both oversized hot dogs down my gullet.


It’s been years since I’ve been within range of an In-N-Out, but aren’t they significantly thinner than at Five Guys? I recall them being more like limp ribbons of potato, whereas Five Guys has more of a thicker fry, that is also cooked longer. Maybe that accounts for the difference?

I was promised I’d be Lovin’ It, whereas in reality I am merely Toleratin’ It.

I’ve run into this before at restaurants I frequent, for both steaks and burgers, and when I eat at those places I say “I’d like it medium-rare, and please make it actually medium-rare.”

The same is not true of other shit being called fries that isn’t even remotely made from potatoes.

The problem with In-N-Out/Five Guys fries is that fresh-cut fries that go right into the fryer and aren’t pre-blanched/frozen or double-fried, are too wet and come out soggy and greasy. Which I actually sometimes don’t mind, but only if I can eat them immediately. This is a case where something that sounds like it