Fake Socks™

I’d have to say that my french fry preferences are largely sentimental and based mostly on nostalgia. Hot, fresh, salty crinkle-cut fries will always be my favorite because they evoke memories of buying paper cups of them from my high school cafeteria snack bar at lunch. Standard straight fries recall every

Weirdly, Hunt’s actually came in first in Cook’s Illustrated’s taste test a few years ago! It seems to be a very polarizing ketchup, I guess due to the tanginess. I like it, but it does seem to be almost deliberately the anti-Heinz in its aggressive vinegar flavor. I do prefer it to Heinz because it’s not as cloyingly

Star Wars Wars!

Olive for these pun threads!

Maybe the color coding system could include text labeling as well for that kind of situation.

I’m a fan of gin in bloody marys for a similar reason - the botanicals I think go really well with the tomato — especially the American style gins that go a lot stronger with the herbs.

Although I definitely wouldn’t say Duke’s is sweet like Miracle Whip, for me it does taste slightly sweet. I looked at the ingredients, and there is no sugar, but it must be the cider vinegar that’s giving me that impression. Definitely the tanginess...mmmm....yeah, Duke’s just has more going on, flavor-wise.

I suspect it’s the cider vinegar that gives it the slightly sweet zing.

I’d be interested to know what kind of tomatoes the experts are basing their opinions on. I started refrigerating ripe, farmer’s market or home-grown tomatoes for the same reasons as the Serious Eats guy — refrigeration didn’t harm their taste or texture at all, while leaving them out just hastened their decline.

I love Duke’s! Somehow, Woodman’s supermarket here in Wisconsin stocks it, so I’m actually able to enjoy it here in the Midwest, which is great. I love Hellman’s/Best Foods, too. To me they’re very different. Hellman’s is more like what I think of as classic mayo, while Duke’s is sweeter...almost like mayo with a

Jokey, but still classic: from Airplane 2

I found it hard to focus on the episode because I kept imagining Jack suddenly bursting into Rebecca and Miguel’s house, announcing that he’d faked his death for twenty years as a test to see if his buddy would try to move in on his wife, and then just kicking Miguel’s ass all the way down the block.

Rule of thumb: whatever a therapist lists as their specialties are the issues they are personally dealing with.

“The Soup That Eats Like A Meal*”

Absolutely, bring on the mealworms, but just call it something else so I don’t have to think about it!

Oh, absolutely, it is pure fantasy. It’s just maddening is all.

Yeah, I mean ultimately the problem is servers having to rely on tips just to get to minimum wage.

Hey, on one of these Gawker articles I actually did read an experience where the server was being harassed, and the manager actually ejected them from the premises. So...that’s one!

I guess I’m looking at it in terms of the time and labor, as well as the overall atmosphere of the place. A server shouldn’t feel like they have to either ignore the abuse and continue serving the table, or speak up about it and maybe shut down the abuse, but still have to serve the table (and get a shitty/no tip).

It shouldn’t be on the servers to police asshole customers. Any harassment should be reported to the manager, and if the manager is any kind of worthwhile human being, they should immediately eject the offending customer(s) from the establishment.