Fake Socks™

Score one for the Pesticide Pushers of the...uh, Pesticides!

Remember when Alex Garland wrote, like, books? I mean a couple of them anyway!

If any company can make algae burgers and wormballs work, it’s IKEA. After two hours staggering through one of their stores, I’m usually famished enough to eat shredded foam rubber if it comes with gravy and lingonberry sauce.

Britons should definitely cut back on their Chinese takeout meals and stick to healthy, low-sodium British food, like bacon, sausages, and fish & chips!

They won’t even be decomposing dead hands due to their high salt content!

I can almost guarantee that if I called him right now and asked him to list his top five macaroni-makers, he’d have to think about it for a minute, and none of the names in his top five would begin with the word “aunt.”

I initially misread your comment as “throwing up bubbly water through my nose.” I have done this, and cannot recommend.

Me too, and I avoid eating pigs for the same reason. Which makes me sad, because pork and octopus are freaking delicious. It does make me wonder, though, is an animal more tasty the more intelligent it is? You know where I’m going with this, right?

I agree, you’re much better off in the long run if you choose the thing that will actually satisfy you, even if it’s less healthy, than the half-assed thing that will absolutely not satisfy you, and just end up making you eat a whole lot more of it in search of actual satisfaction.

They literally failed to do an apples-to-apples comparison.

Be sure to record your observations in case of mammary loss.

I haven’t had a jar last that long in my house, but I’ve had jars sit around for at least 3 or 4 months, and they’ve tasted just fine! I tend to like it crunchier, though, so when it starts getting mushy that’s when I make kimchi jjigae.

Billy drove away his customers with his annoying habit of Lapsang into Souchong!

I can’t star Pu’erh-ile humor like that.

Tangentially related: is it something particular to chihuahuas that they have iron bladders? Mine will drink a ton of water and then go for a whole day without having to go outside, or even really expressing any interest in going. Whereas my previous poodles would have to go out pretty much every 3 hours or they’d pee

Interesting piece! I’ll definitely try chocolate next time. Cheese, though? For some reason that sounds kind of nauseating to me. I’m not sure I can do it!

The other egg color related issue that comes up a lot is the color of the yolk, which is determined by the type of food the chicken eats. I’ve always been told that (a) pastured hens lay slightly healthier eggs, and (b) pastured hens lay eggs with darker orange yolks. And usually the eggs I get at farmer’s markets do

As someone who loves both Bourdain’s and Phil’s shows, I’m happy that they both exist! Phil’s wide-eyed openness for me is a nice counterbalance to Bourdain’s angsty world-weariness. Phil doesn’t give you the insider’s perspective but is an entertaining tourist. Even if I went to the places he visits, I wouldn’t be

Please don’t make a hobbit of terrible puns like this.

My wife and I split breakfast all the time, because neither of us usually has a big appetite in the morning, and a lot of diners pride themselves on serving gargantuan portions. When we do this, I figure it’s fair to tip extra, since the waitstaff does almost the same work for two people with one entree as they would