Fake Socks™

Hubba hubba!

Hubba hubba!





I've noticed that happening at the Avocado too…I have to refresh but then it seems okay (until it happens again).

I've noticed that happening at the Avocado too…I have to refresh but then it seems okay (until it happens again).

It's better when you subtract the comments that are just complaints about Kinja.

It's better when you subtract the comments that are just complaints about Kinja.

I actually enjoyed Neighbors more than I thought I would!

I actually enjoyed Neighbors more than I thought I would!

She sat through Bad Boys 2, so I owe her one!

She sat through Bad Boys 2, so I owe her one!

For some reason my wife wants to watch extremely bad, dumb comedies, so we'll be watching CHiPs and Baywatch . 😭

For some reason my wife wants to watch extremely bad, dumb comedies, so we'll be watching CHiPs and Baywatch . 😭

I haven't read Tommyknockers since the 80s, but I remember it being kind of awesome in its self-indulgent excess. Like, the main character would walk by someone in town, and suddenly you would get this person's entire life history all the way to their death, and they would never be mentioned again in the story.

I haven't read Tommyknockers since the 80s, but I remember it being kind of awesome in its self-indulgent excess. Like, the main character would walk by someone in town, and suddenly you would get this person's entire life history all the way to their death, and they would never be mentioned again in the story.

I would say that it's the other way around — his characters are usually pretty good, very fleshed-out and realistic, but his stories tend to meander, and more often than not the endings are anticlimactic. King doesn't outline, and he usually makes it up as he goes, so a lot of the time the stories just sort of peter

I would say that it's the other way around — his characters are usually pretty good, very fleshed-out and realistic, but his stories tend to meander, and more often than not the endings are anticlimactic. King doesn't outline, and he usually makes it up as he goes, so a lot of the time the stories just sort of peter