The “claim your account” thing never worked for me - it seemed like it did, but when I tried to actually post a comment, it wanted me to login, which I tried to do and nothing happened and oh god fuck everything
The “claim your account” thing never worked for me - it seemed like it did, but when I tried to actually post a comment, it wanted me to login, which I tried to do and nothing happened and oh god fuck everything
Seeing the AV Club up there on that top bar along with the other Gawker sites chills me to the bone.
Seeing the AV Club up there on that top bar along with the other Gawker sites chills me to the bone.
I'm having fun repeatedly clicking the button, though. It's like one of those clicker games!
I'm having fun repeatedly clicking the button, though. It's like one of those clicker games!
It's not good Kinja.
It's not good Kinja.
Conspiracy theory: Kinja is the New Coke designed to spike demand for Classic Coke.
Conspiracy theory: Kinja is the New Coke designed to spike demand for Classic Coke.
"As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a Kinja." — Ernie
"As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a Kinja." — Ernie
This rapid stream of comments is actually why I haven't already gone over to the Avocado!
This rapid stream of comments is actually why I haven't already gone over to the Avocado!
This rapid stream of comments is actually why I haven't already gone over to the Avocado!
I always knew what Starz was and did not really laugh out loud
I always knew what Starz was and did not really laugh out loud
I initially started listening to Katy Perry ironically, but now I enjoy her music unironically.
I initially started listening to Katy Perry ironically, but now I enjoy her music unironically.
Megan Mullally
Megan Mullally