Fake Socks™

Megan Mullally

I watched Will & Grace to look at Karen's feet

I watched Will & Grace to look at Karen's feet

I watched Will & Grace to look at Karen's feet

I watched Will & Grace to look at Karen's feet

Long days and pleasant nights, stranger.

The Internet actually did a great job!

The Internet actually did a great job!

Stand by to fire at Disqus base.

I hope this Kinja thing actually happens or else I'm gonna have to nuke my Disqus account…

I sometimes upvoted long comments without reading them, because I appreciated the effort!

The prequels actually don't deserve our hatred!

My favorite film critic is Armond White

I don't like Weird Al

The Death Star has cleared the planet.
The Death Star has cleared the planet.

Alien Resurrection is the best film in the Alien series.

Release the Kinjakaur!

One other person is typing…

Hormel Black Label™ Bacon 4 LYFE

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