Fake Socks™

Yeah - people who are going to stop supporting basic human rights because they got their feelings hurt are not people who are going to be out there marching in the streets. They're people who enjoy feeling righteous and virtuous online and getting lots of likes and hearts.

Well, icing her praises all the time, so it sucks when she disappoints me.

This is going to turn into a sheetshow.

This article headline should be amended to iOS 11 has new feature to disable Touch ID FOR A LEGIT REASON YOU SHOULD READ IN THE ARTICLE BEFORE COMMENTING

That's because Touch ID requires living tissue, and you're mostly dead inside.

You should be able to sync any album in your library to your phone with iTunes. It sounds like you would need to turn on the "manually manage music and videos" option (when you plug in your phone and click on the device icon in iTunes).

But can they then force you to turn Touch ID back on?

I can't even believe I have to write this

If it weren't for low-hanging fruit, I'd have starved to death years ago.

Lame running gags died on the way back to their home planet.

As opposed to the bad kind, which is when you say goodbye to someone and they go, "Take it sleazy!"

The old “Checkhov’s gun” rule

More like Cuck E. Cheese amirite

Customized crap ass?

Wasn't it supposed to be a custom version of Kinja? This just looks like regular crap ass Kinja.

Talk about the Wrong Stuff!

Thanks, Obama!

He's dead to me!

Would the actors be…friends?

At this point, I'd rather it just be a reboot with new actors.