It's edgy, it's "in your face." You've heard the expression "let's get busy"? Well, this is an avatar that gets "biz-zay!"
It's edgy, it's "in your face." You've heard the expression "let's get busy"? Well, this is an avatar that gets "biz-zay!"
The humor is definitely esoteric. For me, the appeal is that they're savage parodies of the kind of eccentric Upper West Side NYC elderly guys that I grew up watching in Woody Allen movies and various TV shows and indie comedies, as well as people like that I've known in real life (a piano teacher I had as a kid is…
"It's true! We're so lame!"
🎶 Reek of meat mortis / Scenes of gore are never ending as you're engulfed / In a death pit up to your neck in hellish bile / Dead waste so vile, / Fatty breakdown of flesh and organs after years fill / This cesspool acidic paste eats your body
Looking forward to having no idea what comment you're replying to!
One of my best friends growing up was like this — he was totally into weaponry and carried around nunchucks and knives "in case shit went down." (Note: we grew up in a wealthy suburb of Orange County…very little chance of "shit going down.") Fortunately, he grew out of it, but he was absolutely one of the most fearful…
Doucheland Über Alles!
intellectually inferior and genetically prone to violence
"And these are characters whose origins are known, but not their ultimate intentions. And these are characters whose ultimate intentions are known, but not their origins."
I loved the minion uniforms Apocalypse took time out of his schedule to design in that X-Men movie. Totes feroche!
My all-time favorite trailer cliche is still the one where at the last second a thing flies towards the camera. I think it was Twister that did it first? Scared the shit out of me. Good times, good times. Anyway, fuck Trump.
wtf is memes lol
How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?*
I thought you preferred the hyphen to remain intact until marriage?
Meanwhile, remains largely unaffected by association with fascism.
More like IDGAF Style!
Last fall I made a killing off a sacred deer. Folks can't get enough of holy venison!
In a nutshell? Someone not to be trusted. Someone to be wary of.