Somewhere there is a guy who spends his days convincing his friends to ask awkward questions on the Internet on his behalf.
Somewhere there is a guy who spends his days convincing his friends to ask awkward questions on the Internet on his behalf.
I think I get what you're saying, but I also know a lot of people who I genuinely do not consider racist, but who can be clueless or insensitive though well-meaning. There needs to be a way to point out to people that they're being insensitive, without lumping them in the same category as Nazis.
The one "good" thing about the Trump presidency, for me, is seeing where people truly stand. I know several people who are extremely nice and have never said an unkind or bigoted thing to my face. Seeing them declare their support for Trump and celebrating his victory showed me exactly who and what they are.
Ya (un)burnt.
All of these titles are dramatically improved by the addition of "Pounded in the Butt By"!
Congratulations, MLA! What an achievement — the last two years and all of the journey before that leading up to this milestone. Here's looking forward to the next two years and beyond!
Remember the good old days when keeping classified info on a private email server was the horrific act of treason that made you unfit to be President? Good times.
I recently completed a 30 day alcohol fast, which was much needed. It cleared my head considerably, improved my mood, and I slept much better. I am determined not to slip back into overconsumption. I marked the successful completion of the 30 days with what has become my favorite cocktail, the French 75 — gin shaken…
It's true! One of the few Charles Bukowski poems I can recall is titled "Piss and Shit."
Reader, I fucked him.
Well, now I'm kind of not looking forward to a new season of Hannibal.
That's why I miss the IMDb message boards — it was a great resource for when you were curious to know how a movie ended, but not curious enough to actually watch the movie.
I'm saying that since I'm not currently a subscriber to HBO and don't plan to be, and only watch HBO programming through illicit means, my opinion on whether or not HBO should make this show has no relevance. However, since HBO making this show makes me annoyed with HBO, I now feel incrementally less guilty about…
Not only that, but I would go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow.
All I know is, when I'm eating hot wings there's nothing like cold milk to soothe the burn!
Hmm, you sound like the kind of reprobate who would download a car.
Dem dragon tits doe
This one sounds like it could be of higher quality. THOUGH STILL VERY WRONG TO DOWNLOAD.
That's nothing, you should see King Donald's doodles in the margins of Penthouse Forum letters!