Fake Socks™


I'm saying that since I'm not currently a subscriber to HBO and don't plan to be, and only watch HBO programming through illicit means, my opinion on whether or not HBO should make this show has no relevance. However, since HBO making this show makes me annoyed with HBO, I now feel incrementally less guilty about

Not only that, but I would go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow.

All I know is, when I'm eating hot wings there's nothing like cold milk to soothe the burn!

Hmm, you sound like the kind of reprobate who would download a car.

Dem dragon tits doe

This one sounds like it could be of higher quality. THOUGH STILL VERY WRONG TO DOWNLOAD.

That's nothing, you should see King Donald's doodles in the margins of Penthouse Forum letters!

Aren't solar eclipses supposed to portend the death of kings? Just saying there might be an upside to expediting this deal.

King of America? That sounds like a….

Never let facts get in the way of a good rant!

Weren't you the one talking about mason a guy yesterday?

It's a good morning for username/comment synergy!

I like the ribeye.

Username/comment synergy off the scale.

How would you know — you're a piece of roast beef! The only thing you should be thinking about is whether to be eaten with horseradish sauce or just some salt and pepper. Mmmm…

I think your last point is one that needs to be underscored, like, five or six times. Of course race relations and America's legacy of slavery and oppression are incredibly important subjects for the arts. But the culture and the entertainment industry are moving (slowly) past the point where such issues need to be

I agree. My two reasons for being opposed to this series are (1) my insatiable thirst for censorship of the arts, and (2) the fact that to make a show with this premise, in this cultural climate, and not have it turn into an embarrassing shitshow would require creators with a track record of above-average cultural

"If you were to try to assassinate a king, sir, the aura of royalty would cause you to miss. But a president…I mean, why not shoot a president?" — English Bob

Chuck Jones was an absolute master of comic timing!