Fake Socks™

Of course. Silly me for thinking Hollywood might not be that great at dealing with racial issues!

Pro-Confederacy people? In 2017? Ridiculous!

We should all be thankful we avoided the nightmare scenario of a "Confederate States of America" dedicated to the enslavement of human beings!

I guess I have no right to comment on this because I pirate HBO content. However, it does make me feel better about pirating HBO content.

Thanks, Mobama.

But his eight year shart rain is about to begin!

I think as one gets older and encounters more assholes, one begins to realize that Bugs was a major asshole.

"Most Of Us Didn't Start the Fire"

You're good people, Count.

The courageous stand against treating disempowered human beings with the barest minimum of compassion and respect.

Are you sure you don't mean The Noid?

I mean, here we are already.

I would offer that as definitive proof that both sides are not the same.

But seriously, admittedly I've tended to avoid reading Trump statements, but this sounds actually mentally deranged.

The banality of evil…

"The White Supremacist Shitbag's F"

As an alt-country fan, I could not agree more.

This is some insane shit.


But enough about North Korea.