Fake Socks™

My James Woods celebrity sighting: waiting for a movie in Westwood, and Woods going up to the box office with his extremely young looking (and for some reason barefoot) date in tow, asking in a loud tone of voice if he could be let in early since he's a "famous actor" and didn't want to get mobbed by fans. The half

You're not wrong, and I will definitely voice my concerns regarding violence against Nazis when it begins to approach the level of racist violence against nonwhites.

It seems more fantastical by the day!

Unrealistic. Better go with the more plausible show about the Republican who stands up to white supremacist Tea Partiers instead.

Basically, it will be an alternate history in which Hillary Clinton won the election.

Claws, where the most commonly heard phrase in the writer's room is "NOT CRAZY ENOUGH!"

— Theon Greyjoy

I'm just happy to see fantasy/science fiction still going strong on broadcast television!

I can feel sorry for millionaire politicians, but they are well toward the back of the line, behind people who aren't comfortably insulated from the actual consequences of the decisions and policies of millionaire politicians.

Guy Fieri doesn't deserve the hate because he champions mom 'n' pop restaurants that are actually good and are also locally owned. Applebee's deserves, well not hate maybe but certainly contempt, because it's a giant corporate chain that doesn't even do a good job at being a corporate chain, turning out mediocre food

By choice!

I visited NYC with a group of friends, and after scanning a street full of "weird" restaurants that looked really interesting, they zeroed in on a TGI Friday's. People fear the unfamiliar (especially if it looks "ethnic") and flock to recognizable name brands, no matter how mediocre.

Yeah, it's basically edible, but so, so mediocre, Everything they serve is lacking in some important way. Either it lacks flavor, or the flavor is there but slightly wrong. Even if it's OK, you're thinking how much better you could have gotten for the same price. It's food that I would only feel OK about if I got it

Here's hoping that by this time next year, we're all saying, "Remember that whole Trump fiasco? Thank God that blew over fast!"

"Not obviously a sociopath" — updated gold standard for character for our nation's leaders, 2017

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

It sounds like your mistake was ordering food that required actual cooking, instead of microwaving for the precise amount of time indicated on the plastic bag.


You sir are an inspiration to all of us who like to just post the same shit to every article.

Yeah, I mean there are even better chains that are comparably priced.