Fake Socks™

Yeah, it's basically edible, but so, so mediocre, Everything they serve is lacking in some important way. Either it lacks flavor, or the flavor is there but slightly wrong. Even if it's OK, you're thinking how much better you could have gotten for the same price. It's food that I would only feel OK about if I got it

Here's hoping that by this time next year, we're all saying, "Remember that whole Trump fiasco? Thank God that blew over fast!"

"Not obviously a sociopath" — updated gold standard for character for our nation's leaders, 2017

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

It sounds like your mistake was ordering food that required actual cooking, instead of microwaving for the precise amount of time indicated on the plastic bag.


You sir are an inspiration to all of us who like to just post the same shit to every article.

Yeah, I mean there are even better chains that are comparably priced.

I feel we should pastafy it by about 10% or so.

"Welcome to the FBI, Special Agent Starice Clarling!"

Little #CC0000 Corvette

In keeping with Kinja policy of making conversations as incomprehensible as possible, each line of dialogue will be reedited into alphabetical order.

By "mace" I'm hoping you mean the medieval kind!


The fake future's so bright, I gotta wear fake shades!

Why did Goring, the largest Nazi, not simply eat the other Nazis?

I'm not touching that one!

The people who gave the world gyros need apologize for nothing!

That was the first episode I ever saw, and I didn't know it wasn't serious. There was much frantic Googling afterwards.

This show has my permission to die!