Fake Socks™

On the plus side, we'll probably all be dead before the Disney deal expires in 2019. So we've got that going for us.

Trump must be defeated
His evil gang unseated
His base of power deleted
His energy depleted

In fairness, Ta-er al-Asfer may be drunk. It's Saturday night, after all.

Nazis. I hate these guys!

His strong, pure sperm will get the job done in a fraction of the time!

What the hell??


When TJ is busy, it can be a gigantic pain (well, to me) to get around with a cart in tow. Mainly because of all the people who leave their carts in the middle of the aisle! In those situations, I find that mobility is key. So I would rather leave my basket in a central location and add to it than cart my haul around

But I love that little man trapped a box thing!

He's been put in more of a "hip-hop" context.


Sounds like a bunch of asshats

Warner Bros. will attribute the film's failure to fundamental shifts in their key demographic, coupled with the overall crumminess of Cyborg.

Yup…there are some things I'm more particular about, but most of the time I just want something decent that I don't have to spend any time or energy thinking about.

You're supposed to wear it on your head!

I'm seein' double! Four Peaks!

And what is it, like 360p? Have some self-respect!

I will stack my basket until it's too heavy to carry and I have to scoot it along the floor with my foot before I will use a cart!

I've noticed that if you check the labels, the store brand very often is at least "cleaner" in terms of fewer ingredients/chemicals.

*Statue of Liberty weeps*