Fake Socks™

These Ain't Muir Glen Organic Tomatoes

Just don't ask where that mouth has been!

True — I generally trust that whatever the "Kirkland" brand of anything is, it's probably pretty good, so it takes some of the guesswork out of choosing items where I just want something solid at a decent price.

Shut your mouth!

Yeah, for me it’s more that I like the products Trader Joe’s sells, so I trust their selections, and the prices are decent. Plus, unlike regular supermarkets, they’re totally cool with letting you sample anything you’re curious about, and returning anything you don’t like.

Peanut Butter Cups
Mandarin Orange Chicken
Ginger Snaps
Joe Joe's

He knows what he did.

More Trader Joe's LIES: Joe Coulombe sold the company back in the 70s. The store is no longer in fact Joe's!

Is this a surprise, though, to any longtime Trader Joe’s shoppers? I thought it was common knowledge that TJ’s sells brand name items under its own label. They just don’t disclose who the producers are, which I don’t think is really “lying.” As long as their product descriptions are accurate, I don’t see an issue.

Piggly Wiggly?

*strokes beard thoughtfully*

You sweat or you die!

"I am the Buttman!"

Classic Vince.

How about unsexy sex? I'm not picky.


Ew. OK, that does explain a lot.

I can see them holding that back for a shock twist, though. Dany returns to Dragonstone in triumph…suddenly Drogon starts looking grayish…

Interesting! I honestly did not know the nature of the appeal for aficionados, so thanks for enlightening me. I am much too squeamish to personally appreciate it (although I do read extreme horror/splatterpunk and it doesn't really faze me in print), but it's fascinating.

Her memory is all that is left for you now…