Fake Socks™

I'm not sure what it means either, but I just found the protagonist for my next erotic novel!

Sad upvote.

New phone, who dis?

A description of Snyder that I've seen that I find pretty accurate is "extremely talented and well-meaning filmmaking robot."

I'm positive there was, and it got taken out.

Creepy flame voice is why it's important to use a proper charcoal chimney starter for your backyard barbecues instead of lighter fluid.

It's too bad that AVC passed over covering Claws. It's the surprise gem of the summer!

It's puzzling, because you'd think that a show with autism as its very premise would be interested in an authentic portrayal of autism. I mean it's such a challenging proposition to begin with, why bother if you're not interested enough in your subject to put in the effort to do it right?

I think it would have been awesome if they hadn't even introduced the mist itself until late in the season, but started out as a This Is Us/Parenthood style family dramedy, played completely straight. You'd have all of these heartwarming "living, loving, and learning" slice-of-life episodes, leading up to a season

Anyone who does not instinctively quail at hearing the phrase "Stephen King adaptation" has not seen many Stephen King adaptations.

Adrien being Flagg might almost redeem this atrocious show!

The novella ending is perfect — it leaves the reader with no explanations, no resolution, just a bewildering horror (underlined by the brief glimpse of that unimaginably colossal creature walking over them) and a dim vestige of hope that they follow because it's all they have. You know they're probably doomed, but

"Ron Zertnert" confirmed as Mist head writer.

Man is the only animal that does not kill merely for food — there must also be a beverage.

You are correct sir!

More than any filmmaker I can think of, he's built a career out of surpassing expectations.

Brolin no longer needs the weirding module!

I remember the press coverage leading up to Titanic. There was a lot, and I mean a LOT of smirking about Cameron's Folly and how fast his boat epic was going to sink.

It really transforms the film — it doesn't just flesh out the story, but makes the ending meaningful where the theatrical ending felt abrupt and almost arbitrary. I would put it up there with Brazil and Blade Runner as films where the "original" version should be discarded in favor of the director's cuts.

I hated The Abyss. But I loved the director's cut of The Abyss!