Fake Socks™

Whatever else you want to say about Avatar, it was an absolute wonder to look at.

Sorry, that was me, I just took off my shoes. These dogs are barking!

I don't agree with that, but I would agree that a lot of authors end up doing YA because opportunities dried up in their chosen market.

If I'm not mistaken though…I think his attitude is more like Louis CK where he doesn't feel obligated to crank out material, but will wait until inspiration strikes.

Wait, I want to find out what the deal is, and possibly who the ad wizards are who came up with this one!

If you have Netflix, check out I'll Have What Phil's Having, which is sorta like No Reservations except with Phil Rosenthal (creator of Everybody Loves Raymond) traveling around the world eating food. I was very dubious about it, but was surprised to find Phil a very engaging host, and the show is actually pretty

He definitely is more about crowd-pleasing, comfort foods than fine dining. But I think he deserves more credit, insofar as he doesn't just do the "Man vs. Food" huge food thing, but covers places that are serving up legit good dishes. I'm only personally familiar with some of the restaurants he's featured in the

The season of "Next Food Network Star" where Guy coached one of the finalists shooting a "pilot" really made me appreciate his behind-the-camera professionalism. He does make it look easy, but it takes a lot of work to get there!

I agree, but it's still pretty shocking!

I'm seeing double! Four Dope Queens!

Thank you, it's all coming back now…for better or worse…

Sounds like some weird, wild stuff!

*taps fart soundboard*

What about Primer the movie?

I would say that Hook was pretty awful, though not unwatchably so.

I enjoyed a lot of things in the 80s, but most genre/action movies were cheesy and awful, and no Internet made for a lonely existence for people with non-mainstream interests who didn't live in big cities. I remember when AOL and Prodigy came along, and suddenly there were all these kids talking to each other who had

I'm starting to think you don't really have the best interests of Hollywood at heart….

But what if it's a hit? They'll just make more of the same! It'll never end!

— Divine
