Fake Socks™

"Hey man, you should get Freedom Rock too!" That ad really raised my expectations for marijuana in a way that the reality couldn't live up to!

I'm only a few chapters into it, and so far it seems like fairly inoffensive fun. I do get a litte thrill out of getting the references, but it seems like Cline also explains too many of them, so that it starts to feel like the book isn't really being written for me — 40-something child of the 80s — but for younger

I'm trying to remember where the catchphrase "Hey man, remember the 80s?" came from…but I've forgotten.

Hey, if some stranger wants to share my experience of staring glumly at an empty checking account, who am I to refuse?

Haha, next you'll tell me that the roasted white person I ate at grandma's house last Thanksgiving was actually some kind of "goose."

"Why would I need web based email when I have a perfectly good email program on my computer?" — Genius Prognosticator Fake Socks, while selling off his Amazon stock at $10/share

I went to day camp as a kid, and fucking hated it! I would have been delighted if some dumbass camp event was ruined by the stupid president. This may be the one Trump administration act I can applaud!

I've also never actually seen white people make honking noises, or eat saltine crackers!

That's how they got creamed.

I only have A-ha, Ambrosia, and Adam Ant on my iPhone.

Well, they were originally going to hang a picture, but…

You want Suicide Squads? Because this is how you get Suicide Squads!

I'm about to release my own app that lets white people simulate being a person of color! When you press the button, it automatically debits 25% of your next paycheck!

Too soon!

I loved the joke on The Good Place about the British show that "ran for 16 years on the BBC — they did almost 30 episodes!"

But we haven't even seen Louie die as we've been promised for five seasons!

I dunno, it would take some powerful magic to make me feel positive these days.

Eight Heads In a Snowflake Ass

Damn it, you willed it into existence!

Holocaust? More like Fauxlocaust!